"This Is Our Life" {Let's Do 52 Project} - Week 1 :: Evening Rituals

Charlene4 Comments
As most of you know, I've grown to love the art of photography. It intrigues me in many different ways. I love looking at the world in terms of photography -- it surely is a great way to learn to appreciate the world's true beauty. I can see beauty in some of the dumpiest places around when thinking in terms of photography. I picture how even an ugly ol' craphole {yup, I know that's not a real word!} can actually look gorgeous in the background or even as the subject of any given photo. And seeing the finished product of a beautifully edited photo can sometimes feel {almost as good as} Christmas morning!

So when my good friend Dana asked me if I wanted to participate in this photo challenge called "Let's Do 52 Project" by Paint the Moon - I was again intrigued. And excited. And inspired!

It uses the art of lifestyle photography. Perfect for me just having an infant who surely can't pose for poised and perfect portraits.
Lifestyle photography? Description here! ...
"the capturing of real life moments – genuine expressions, most often candid without the subject knowing the photo was being taken. No posing or fake smiles, taken candidly in most cases and often the subject is caught up in their own world, unaware you and the camera are even there. It’s the recording of precious details that pass us by everyday, and are often those little things that we look back on in later years and think, “Oh my goodness, I remember when …” It’s an interaction, an expression or emotion, the way we live, laugh and love. In future years these photos will be something to look back at and treasure, to remind us of the real moments and to tell our story to future generations."

One photo once per week based on a given theme - all related to family life. I can handle that, right?! Well, I sure do hope so as I am excited to take this project on. While I'll be posting my weekly photo in the Flickr group, I figured I'd create a blog post once a week with my photo and the theme so that you can follow along with me :)


Week 1 Theme: Evening Rituals

My photo of the week: Daddy getting ready to read to his girl

Why I chose this: Artistically, I don't think this is the greatest photo. It definitely doesn't scream creativity, but I love it for other reasons.  I love what the photo encompasses - a calm evening with daddy loving on his girl. There were no crops involved, and I just love the way you can subtly see the love Daddy has for his baby in the way his head is against hers and his hand resting on her belly. He's been reading "I Love My Daddy" to her at night, and then looking through her first prayer book together. I know I'll love looking back on these evenings!

daddy reading to baby girl


And my top contenders that I had a tough time choosing between:

baby feet photo

daddy reading to baby photo

mommy and baby feet photo

My hopes here are to really grow as a photographer and learn about all the little things that truly motivate me and drive me to capture beautiful images of everyday life. I hope to learn to move outside of the box when it comes to these themes, as they say you can really go anywhere your mind wanders with these. I'm also hoping it inspires me to take more photos each week, which will be a wonderful way to document my baby girl's first year with her family {even though she may not be in every week's photo!} And if I skip a week or two, no worries! No pressure here, just something to have fun with.

Inspire me! Follow along in my challenge :)