A Christmas Wish Lantern Memorial

Happy New Year, everyone! I promise to get back on my blog game here in the new year.  Hmm, that reminds me..Maybe I should have made a resolution to blog more frequently, as in at least twice a week or more. We'll see. I'll try :)

Posts to come: Baby E's Newborn Photos, Baby E {2 Months} & Baptism, Christmas Trip in Florida and MORE in the works! Don't fret ;)


On a different note, it was our first Christmas without Aunt Kathy there to celebrate with us.  I'm so grateful for the time spent with her last year and love that they are FUN memories of all of us dancing to the Just Dance video games for hours! Last year's Christmas post here - check out the family picture from last year that Auntie coordinated for us.

christmas group family photo

We all miss her and of course it was tough without her.  We've been missing my sister, Krissy and my Grandfather for several Christmases now, but it doesn't ever go by without thinking of them -- that's for sure.

Have you heard of Wish Lanterns? These things were wonderful. I purchased a bundle of them and we decorated them with wishes and sent them off to heaven on Christmas. We know they got them :)

It was beautiful. And our new family tradition. So glad it was captured. Enjoy.

Merry Christmas in Heaven to those that we have lost, as well as those that you have lost. I bet Christmas in Heaven is beautiful.