
life at home with just a tot

Somewhere between the ‘I-feel-like-Super-Mom’ days and the ‘Did-she-really-just-watch-TV-and-hang-around-all-day-in-her-pajamas?’ days are relatively common days that we generally strive for. Sure, I wish I could feel like Super Mom everyday, but being 100% honest, those days seem to happen less frequently than the pajama days. So you know, those in between days - where we do a little bit of learning, a little bit of dancing, and a little bit of cuddling while watching some Mickey Mouse clubhouse – are what keep us happy and content around here.

toddler room reading nook

The bittersweet truth is that my days at home with just a tot are dwindling down. I am beyond excited to welcome E’s little sister into this world and have tons of sweet newborn cuddles and watch the two of them bond, yet I am also feeling a bit sad for how E’s whole little world is about to change and she really doesn’t know what she’s in for. Surely her time with Mommy & Daddy will have to be split with her sis now and it won’t be ALL about E anymore (yet I will do my best to love on her just as much as I do now!) But I know she will absolutely love being a big sister and having a pretty little babe to love on and help Mommy take care of!

toddler activities at home

So in the mean time, I thought I’d share a little about how our days at home usually go. Yes, there are plenty of days filled with play dates, park dates, shopping trips, and more – but here, let’s just take a little look at life at HOME with just my toddler ☺ They sure are wonderful! (and tiring, of course!)

Daddy usually leaves the house before E or myself are even awake. He gives kisses to his sleepy girls and is on his way before the sun comes up. Shortly after, E makes her way from her room into our bed (if she didn’t already do so at 5am!). She walks right in, shuts the door behind her, and hops in bed under the blankets to cuddle with me and get just a little more sleep in. Our mornings together are glorious.

toddler laying in mommy and daddys bed

Not long after, she’s begging me to ‘Come on Momma! Get up! Time for ‘frekfast’!” And up for the day we are. We eat a little breakfast together, watch a little Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Doc McStuffins and Momma gets to work on the computer. She usually isn’t too happy about it these days, but I gotta do what I gotta do – plus it gives her time to play independently and I love watching all her explorations and fun she has just making things up on her own.

toddler sitting at computer desk
Is she mocking Momma sitting at the computer doing work..?!

toddler coloring with markers crayola color wonders metallic

I've been trying to get her to do more activities to keep her busy - such as painting, coloring with markers, colored pencils, etc. (Somehow the girl still finds her way into the permanent markers, which she excitedly draws all down her legs with) and she's been really into flash cards and such.

toddler activities at home

We've been making things for her sissy so she has something to bring when she visits her in the hospital :) She has been saying 'Mine!' to most of the gifts when we're done, so the other day while strolling through the aisles of Hobby Lobby I gave her a little life lesson on sharing! Ha...but later that day at home after painting a little wooden train for her sis, I told her we can wrap it up for her sister and she held it up, looked at me and said "I share!" - so proud of that sweet, pretty girl! ;)

toddler painting a wooden toy

GG brought her these flash cards/matching cards when she came to visit and E has been in love with them! She's got all the animals/insects down on them and matches them up every time, proudly celebrating each match with a big "I DID IT!"

toddler flash cards matching cards

rainy day activities for toddlers

Of course there are the rainy days where the park is certainly not an option, so that's when we look out the window, talk about the rain and thunder and stay inside to play our own games! Or we read, lots and LOTS of stories, because of course we need "more 'tories', right Momma?"

toddler room reading center

toddler looking out the window and watching tv

And we watch a little TV, too. Or well, she does while Momma works! Yes, I'm aware that TV is not the best option. But I'm also not going to deny that it happens around here! Luckily this girl learns a lot from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and it shocks me the stuff she screams at the TV while interacting with good ol' Oh Tooooodles!

We eat lunch together (and with a Gestational Diabetes diet, I pretty much eat the same lunches as her..We keep it pretty toddler friendly around here for Momma, too! Not much longer, though), we read stories before nap time and then she takes her nap while I try to tidy up the damage left behind from the toddler tornado that she is.

If we can't take it any longer on rainy days, or if we get a little stir crazy, we go outside and play, even if it's drizzling. Or we go for a walk only to get rained on anyway. Fun stuff.

toddler playing in the rain

When the weather is nice, we have sidewalk chalk days, trike days, pool days, and run-around-like-crazy-falling-a-million-times-days outside.

Yes, I jump the gun on Fall.

And she plays a TON with this guy, chasing him around and making herself crack up while petting and hugging and tugging on him. They love each other :)

Daddy's schedule varies between working nights, weekends, days, etc. (we obviously love when he works days the most) and we're able to wind down and tidy up before he gets home and eat dinner together as a family before the two of us put E to bed together. Those days are all of our favorites and I'm thankful when we get to do that. Now he's wrapping up a nicer schedule rotation to start a less-than-desirable schedule on OB - so our days change week to week sometimes and always month to month. I try to maintain a normal routine with E, but she's pretty good and flexible when things change so frequently.

Super Mom days are wonderful. The days where I feel I've accomplished nothing and felt more frustrated than not, I feel pretty down about my job as Mom. But I know she wakes up every day excited about our day and doesn't view me any different, even when I feel I've not done my best. My days at home with just my tot can get hectic, especially because I do work from home and some stuff requires a deadline. Otherwise, I'll wait until my little beauty goes to sleep and catch up on work at night. No matter how hectic or frustrated I get at times, I 100% would not have it any other way! She lights up my days in so many ways and I can never get tired of the new surprises she springs upon me each day. We always have so many stories for Daddy when he gets home. And with the new addition of baby girl coming soon, we know our days may be different than they are now, but our stories for Daddy will only grow more and more exciting! And this little happy girl is ready to take 'Big Sister' role on like it's her job.

Here's to the toddler days!

a little bit of life lately

The calming effects of settling in are finally bestowing upon us. The never-ending to-do list is finally dwindling down (to only about 634 things to do versus 23,458, if you know what I mean.) Surely there is still much to do around the house, but I feel we are getting to a point where we can start relaxing a little and taking the time to enjoy being a family and making new friends and putting the to-do list on the back burner full of things that "can wait til another day."

Nothing has been hung around the house, except for in the girls' nursery/toddler combo room, which is my current labor of love. And let me tell you, apparently they built walls a bit better in 1922 than they do now-a-days, because we can't get a damn thing into those walls. Push pins don't push in and we've bent a ratio of at least 4 nails for every 1 that we've actually been able to hammer in. Our walls may be bare for a little while longer, but it's not stopping us from moving forward, inviting friends over, and starting to enjoy the perks of being homeowners.

Like walking to dinners and grabbing drinks for hubby (and soon to be me!), and coming home to relax out back with music and drinks (La Croix for this momma) and pool days for baby girl.

Excuse the iPhone photos that will fill this post ;)


Our time has also been filled with making friends and making memories. We had a pool play date with the other little kiddies from the residency program, followed by a trip for E and I to Daytona Beach with my family.

We're making friends, E is making friends, and we're simply getting used to our new life.

And trying to get all the "simmin'" in we can this summer, whether it's in a real pool or a kiddy pool - she dunks her head under no matter what.

New baby friends!

Just one of the beautiful views from the marina a few minutes from us where new friends live -- gorgeous!

And we busted the camera out just a little too late to get all momma's from the play date in, but here are a few of us :) Between the 3 of us, we have 5 1/2 (almost 6!) sweet little girls.

Our little girl might be the craziest, but who's taking note?


The very next day E and I packed up the car and headed to Daytona Beach to meet some of my family and the kiddies for a fun-in-the-sun weekend. Sadly, there were barely any pictures taken on my end, but I busted out the iPhone camera a few times to capture a glimpse of our family weekend together.

Ocean Walk Resort Daytona Beach

E had WAY too much fun with her cousins at this beautiful place. She likes to be the youngest little ring leader, making everyone screech and chase her around. Girl could not stop cracking up and giggling like crazy at all of her cousins. Makes me so happy to see her so happy with all of them :) Thankful for these getaways together!


Following that has been operation HOUSE. Cleaning, organizing, getting completely unpacked (if that ever happens...) and then it's time to make room for BABY! We've been slacking there and need a few things to get ready to bring a new sweet baby home, so that is next on that never-ending to-do list I was speaking of ;) But who can complain about getting ready for a cuddly new baby?! We are so looking forward to meeting her!

In between our madness, we are doing what we do best -- loungin'.

And loving every moment of it.


But what would a random thrown together "life lately" post be without a little pregnancy update?!

32 weeks pregnant

Sadly, I have not found time to document this pregnancy the way I did last time around. However, I have enjoyed it just as much! I truly love being pregnant. It's such a special and short time in some women's lives and I truly feel blessed to be able to experience all that pregnancy has to offer.

I was diagnosed with a mild case of Gestational Diabetes, which I did not have with E, so it's surely been a little different in terms of eating a strict diet on a routine and what not, but we are making it work. I just started with weekly Non-Stress Tests to monitor baby's heart rate and my contractions, followed by a weekly ultrasound to test her movements and of course keeping tabs on my blood sugars. I think that all the testing makes things seem a bit scarier (and a hell of a lot longer) than the usual run-of-the-mill 5 minute 3rd trimester appointments, but whatever it takes to make sure baby is doing good is okay in my book!

I've been feeling great and having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and baby girl is head down and ready to make her debut in a few weeks. I'm trying to soak up every moment of having this sweet girl tumble in my belly and with me every move I make, while preparing for her arrival and enjoying these last few weeks of my pregnancy!


J will be finishing up another rotation month the end of this week. I've enjoyed him being on ortho a bit more than I did when he was on EM, but now it's on to the next - IM!

CHEERS to the end of a great week and the start of a new one!

a mid-week weekend

Charlene1 Comment
Much like learning to ride a new set of wheels -- this whole adjusting to a new (crazy) job, new city, new life thing we have going on can be a daunting task to master the cycle of those mysterious pedals to get the big wheels turning, moving you forward to where you want to go.

Yup, it's pretty similar to mastering the art of a new routine, new family dynamics, new friend meet ups, and just plain navigating your way around the new streets of an unfamiliar city. But just like the moment you finally get the hang of riding your first bike and never look back as it just becomes a natural ability, getting the hang of your new life in a new city will soon, too, become a thing of the past. We'll navigate our way through the adjustment and learning period and go about our normal life like pros, enjoying the wind blowing through our hair as we coast along the wonderful ride. It may get frustating at times, and there may be a few hiccups and bumps (or scraped knees) along the way, but we're certain we'll get there. Just like pros, you know!

Just keep goin', it'll get better, baby! It'll get better :)


After what seemed like the world's worst month's schedule in the ER for J (yes, I'm being a bit overdramatic here!), he started a new rotation and the resident he was working under must have secretly known just how much E and I needed J around for even just a few hours! He gave him two nights off in a row. TWO! Since we no longer have weekends to look forward to, we celebrated with a little mid-week 'weekend' that refueled the energy we were beginning to burn and burn and burn.

High five to that!
daddy and daughter high fiving

Just checkin' out Daddy's 'Emma bird' tattoo, asking where her's is. Uh oh...

We celebrated by doing some of our favorite things.

Like running free at the beach...

Exploring the lush greens of the great outdoors bushes of our backyard...

Eating popsicles and puppy ice cream... (and letting it drip all over our hands like it's our first time eating a popsicle....oh wait, it is!)

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while winding down in a diaper...

Hanging in the backyard, grilling, and enjoying time spent with Grandma and Grandpa who just came for a visit...

And we can't forget checking out other little cuties in diapers bird watching on the beach.


Getting the chance to spend time together as a family is pure happiness for all of us. Must take advantage!

We may still have lots of work to do with the house, but during our mid-week weekend, we put that aside. We took the time to have fun, to do as we pleased, and to just relax in the best kind of way.

Sleepy baby and all -- we still enjoyed!

We found beauty wherever we could, and it truly refueled us just when we were running on empty, until the next time we get to do the same.

With the move behind us and the settling into our new adventure upon us, we are now fully enjoying whatever Summer has left to offer.

And we know there is always much being offered to us. Adventures, relaxation, cuddles, and plain ol' good times -- it's all being thrown our way when we get these opportunities as a family (even when they only come in small doses) and we just have to know where to find them and how to enjoy them. So thank you, Summer, for all you've offered us thus far :)

Just trying to learn the ropes still and figure out exactly how to keep those pedals moving forward. Learning how to ride that trike (or settle into a 'new' lifestyle) is all just a part of the journey... and we're here to enjoy it all.


....but I especially enjoy those mid-week weekends together :) That resident whom I do not even know is a little bit of my hero right now and he doesn't even know it..ha!

Hope the rest of you are enjoying this 'real' weekend upon us now. Happy Saturday, friends!

oh, life!

Charlene1 Comment
When vacations strike at just the right time (or wrong time - depending on how you look at it), all we can do is sit back and thank our lucky stars for such opportunities when it feels they are needed most! In the midst of life being quite unbalanced for each of us in our little family, a pre-planned trip politely interrupted some of life's most hectic moments.

We may not have been ready for it (until a mere 2 hours prior to boarding our flight), but we made it - safe and sound - to hubby's favorite place in the world.

Ocean City, New Jersey, of course.

The unsettling feeling of not finding a home for us to move into in our desired timeframe of 2 weeks from now sure is stressful. Figuring out a move, insurances, finding a new OB and pediatrician, traveling up to Atlanta soon for J's med school graduation, the unknown fears before starting a new life full of medical residency and intense hours, all while being pregnant and having tons of doctors appointments between E and myself meant pure relaxation for our minds and bodies at a time when we were unknowingly begging for it. Thank you, not-very-well-thought-out vacation. We needed you!

It's hard to find balance these days -- we don't have a home of our own, and the place we do call home has hardly been home when all we've been doing is packing up and taking off so often. We returned home from our trip yesterday and will leave again tomorrow on a 5 hour road trip. The show must go on and the house hunt must continue! Next week, we will head to Atlanta, and hopefully, hopefully, be able to move into a great home shortly after that.

Nap time for E, or any sort of schedule for that matter, has been thrown out the window, along with much more. Thank God we have been blessed with a fairly flexible little girl, who remains happy and content in all our days of chaos. To her, life is fun and spectacular and quite the grand adventure. And seeing how she fully accepts all the imbalances with a squealing giggle and peppy-dance-run-thing she does when she's excited - well it reminds us just how grand this adventure is that we are on!

I've told myself over and over on this journey, "Don't wish the days away". And when life is turning in many different directions, I'm doing just what I've told myself.

I'm not wishing for these days to just be behind us, or for time to speed up and get to that 'comfort' zone in our lives (like that ever happens anyway), but instead I am embracing these days.

Loving each moment we have with each other, and loving each day we have with our newly 18 month old as an only child still. We're watching her unwavering growth, quickly transforming before our eyes. We're changing and growing together every day as we learn to have new conversations with our toddler and wonder where the heck she comes up with some of this stuff, where she learns these words, and questioning her every joyful and curious move.

And when we're feeling as though we don't know our next move, something always pops up. You know, life always has that little way of pointing you in the right (well, hopefully the right) direction when you least expect it.

We know that will happen. Something will point us in the right direction. A house will pop up. It may not be exactly where or what we want, but we will move in somewhere. And we will start new memories there and look back on those and miss them one day. When things get rough and tough while J is working insane hours and I'm with our children, a break will come, eventually. And when babies wear us out to the point we feel we can't even stay awake for one second longer, something will give us the drive to thrive. It happens. It's all a part of life. (Somebody please remind me of this when I'm getting to one of those points!) Life is always moving forward, that's for sure.

It just keeps on moving forward. Even when all we want is to press the pause button.

Pretty sure we had a few of those moments on our trip! Moments where I'd look around and wonder how life can actually get better than in that very moment. Spending time together with no computers or internet (aside from our phones) and taking long walks along the boardwalk/beach and streets lined with gorgeous homes and pretty-in-pink blooming trees while E grew her vocabulary by a few words each day we all spent together truly truly made me wish there was a pause button.

Our job for 17 days was to just enjoy each other for a while. And eat, and rest, and be thankful for having such a beautiful place to be as a family.

We spent my 27th birthday AND Mother's Day in Ocean City. They were special days indeed, on a very special trip for us.

A trip filled with family, love, fun, friends (The Wood's came to visit for a little!!), cold weather, warm weather, tons of rides, our first trip to Storybook Land to celebrate our 18 month old turning another half year older, beach days, kissing boo-boos to make them feel better, and lots of comfy baby girl snuggles.

In the middle of a hectic month for us, does it get much better? H to the No!

When life gets a little crazy, it's all just a part of our story. Our story that will twist and turn and at some point, lead us to a resolution.

Life has it's funny way of throwing things at us when we sometimes least expect it, and whether it's just as quick or a drawn out chapter, it has it's funny way of handing us the tools we need to push through to the top.

Our Ocean City trip was just what we needed to fuel us for our next few weeks of chaos, excitement, and new adventures of our story. Here's to wishing this chapter a happy ending and an even better start to the next!