a mid-week weekend

Charlene1 Comment
Much like learning to ride a new set of wheels -- this whole adjusting to a new (crazy) job, new city, new life thing we have going on can be a daunting task to master the cycle of those mysterious pedals to get the big wheels turning, moving you forward to where you want to go.

Yup, it's pretty similar to mastering the art of a new routine, new family dynamics, new friend meet ups, and just plain navigating your way around the new streets of an unfamiliar city. But just like the moment you finally get the hang of riding your first bike and never look back as it just becomes a natural ability, getting the hang of your new life in a new city will soon, too, become a thing of the past. We'll navigate our way through the adjustment and learning period and go about our normal life like pros, enjoying the wind blowing through our hair as we coast along the wonderful ride. It may get frustating at times, and there may be a few hiccups and bumps (or scraped knees) along the way, but we're certain we'll get there. Just like pros, you know!

Just keep goin', it'll get better, baby! It'll get better :)


After what seemed like the world's worst month's schedule in the ER for J (yes, I'm being a bit overdramatic here!), he started a new rotation and the resident he was working under must have secretly known just how much E and I needed J around for even just a few hours! He gave him two nights off in a row. TWO! Since we no longer have weekends to look forward to, we celebrated with a little mid-week 'weekend' that refueled the energy we were beginning to burn and burn and burn.

High five to that!
daddy and daughter high fiving

Just checkin' out Daddy's 'Emma bird' tattoo, asking where her's is. Uh oh...

We celebrated by doing some of our favorite things.

Like running free at the beach...

Exploring the lush greens of the great outdoors bushes of our backyard...

Eating popsicles and puppy ice cream... (and letting it drip all over our hands like it's our first time eating a popsicle....oh wait, it is!)

Watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while winding down in a diaper...

Hanging in the backyard, grilling, and enjoying time spent with Grandma and Grandpa who just came for a visit...

And we can't forget checking out other little cuties in diapers bird watching on the beach.


Getting the chance to spend time together as a family is pure happiness for all of us. Must take advantage!

We may still have lots of work to do with the house, but during our mid-week weekend, we put that aside. We took the time to have fun, to do as we pleased, and to just relax in the best kind of way.

Sleepy baby and all -- we still enjoyed!

We found beauty wherever we could, and it truly refueled us just when we were running on empty, until the next time we get to do the same.

With the move behind us and the settling into our new adventure upon us, we are now fully enjoying whatever Summer has left to offer.

And we know there is always much being offered to us. Adventures, relaxation, cuddles, and plain ol' good times -- it's all being thrown our way when we get these opportunities as a family (even when they only come in small doses) and we just have to know where to find them and how to enjoy them. So thank you, Summer, for all you've offered us thus far :)

Just trying to learn the ropes still and figure out exactly how to keep those pedals moving forward. Learning how to ride that trike (or settle into a 'new' lifestyle) is all just a part of the journey... and we're here to enjoy it all.


....but I especially enjoy those mid-week weekends together :) That resident whom I do not even know is a little bit of my hero right now and he doesn't even know it..ha!

Hope the rest of you are enjoying this 'real' weekend upon us now. Happy Saturday, friends!