Baby E {1 month photos & favorites}

Charlene7 Comments
1 month old baby picture

My baby turned 1 month on December 13th - where the heck has the time gone?! She is making us fall more and more in love with her as each day passes and has brought so much joy to our home in her 5 week life so far :)

1 month old baby picture; monthly baby photos

{Sigh}...my heart melts when she looks me in the eyes...oh how I love her!

A little bit about baby girl at this point:

~~She weighed 7 lbs, 12 oz. at her 2 week check up, and I'd guess she is probably around 9 pounds now, maybe just under at the moment.

~~Last week, around 4 weeks, she started smiling once in a while when we talk or sing to her! And just last night, she cooed at me while smiling when I was talking to her. It was freakin' adorable!

~~She's still nursing, and momma is still in some pain - ouch.

~~She has slept for 6 hours overnight at times, usually 4 hour stretches though, which I can't complain about!

~~She LOVES her swing.

~~And well, duh, she LOVES her mommy, daddy, and puppy -- especially all of our cuddle time we get together :)

4 week baby photos; monthly onesie stickers baby photos


And now for our first month favorites! Enjoy :)

one month baby favorites; babys first month favorites1. Carter's Wind-up Giraffe - Baby girl loves this. I'll wind it up while we're laying together and it calms her down / puts her to sleep (unless she's very sad about something!)

2. Boppy - This is usually an obvious favorite for most new momma's and even the second/third/fourth timers as well! Wonderful for nursing, bottle feeding, lounging, etc. Once in a while, puppy likes to lay his head over on it as well!

3. Nature's Touch Cradle Swing - Got this one from the sister. This is pretty much baby girl's FAVORITE. Plain and simple. I'm not quite sure what we would do without this!

4. Projector Soother - This is good for the crib or on the go. We bring it in our room and it works while she's in the bassinet, and we even plan on bringing it in the car for our road trip. It plays soothing music while projecting cute images on the ceiling for baby to watch. I love this and it even puts me to sleep! Who says it can't be for adults, too ;)

5. Whale of a Tub - Baby girl has been enjoying her baths. We sit her in the warm water while pouring water over her and she sits there soaking it all up (no pun intended!) We use the bed time bath lotion and we just want to eat her up afterwards.

6. Aden + Anais Swaddlers - These are a-maze-ing! So much better than regular receiving blankets!! They stretch, they're breathable, and BIG. She lives in these things. I love the 'Baby Cakes' patterns we have! They are definitely worth every penny.

7. Pop Tarts - Yes, I really did put pop tarts on the one month favorites list! haha...I wake up, well she wakes me up, I nurse her, change her, then sometimes pump, clean the pump, etc. etc. and there is just not a whole lot of time in my day to eat while I'm still trying to get the hang of things! So I basically have a pop tart every morning before taking my medicine and prenatal vitamin. These babies definitely come in handy!

8. Ameda Purely Yours Breastpump - Love that this came as a gift from Aunt Kathy ;) This has been a must for me in the past 5 weeks. I keep a supply in the freezer for feeding, and this has been especially necessary when needing to pump and bottle feed for a few feedings in a row in order to let myself heal from the pain! Ahh.

9. Munchkin High Capacity Drying Rack - I try to pump a lot to keep a supply going, so I am constantly cleaning the pump supplies and bottles, which means I am constantly using this drying rack. Also necessary is the Avent Microwavable Sterilizer.

10. Lansinoh Lanolin - I'm not going to go into details here, but just trust me on this one, as every other momma would tell ya...if you are breastfeeding, just get this! In addition to this Lansinoh product, the breast milk storage bags and nursing pads have been a first month favorite as well.


Our first month with our new bundle of joy has been amazing. The most life-changing experience in the best way possible. Being a mother is incredible and I thank God each day for our little blessing. She is wonderful. Time to go snuggle with her :)

first month baby photo