
tis the season

Charlene2 Comments
It's quiet in the house tonight. The girls are sleeping, J has been working at the hospital since before we woke up today, and Momma finally gets a moment to sit back and reflect on the most wonderful time of the year.

Confession: When I picture Christmastime in my head - especially with littles now - I picture singing Christmas songs next to a sparkly lit tree topped with an angel, baking cookies - topping them with pretty sprinkles and being covered in flour from head to toe, cozy nights in front of the TV watching our favorite Christmas classics, and visions of sugar plums dancing in my head as I fall asleep.

Reality: All of that happening + chaos + whining kiddies + a very disappointed sneaky toddler who finds Christmas gifts and gets very mad at Momma when she takes them away to hide again + crazy shopping trips where babies would rather be at home snuggling + sweating my butt off while trying to keep said kiddies entertained all day and night while also trying to get work orders out on time.

Only thing that matters in that reality bit: The fact that the way I picture Christmastime in my head happily happens in between the chaos of the season. And those memories are the ONLY ones I will remember year after year!

The warmth and coziness of our home during the season, a Christmas song-singing toddler, pretty cookies, home decorating, tree trimming, festive events, Christmas jammies, holiday movies and reading Christmas books galore -- those are just some of my favorite moments I will always cherish with my family throughout the holidays and wish for year after year.

It may have taken us several nights to decorate the tree in between J's crazy schedule, but that just meant more nights of memories, and more nights for E to learn all about Christmas traditions. Perhaps one of her favorites: train time with Daddy.

Seeing her eyes light up at the first sound of the 'alllll aboard!' followed by the fun sounds and sight of the train chugging around the tree was pure magic for all of us. Gosh, my momma heart was freakin' happy in that moment watching E's eyes as I laid back on a cozy, designated 'Christmastime only' blanket with Baby A! Yes, I thank my lucky stars every day to be so blessed with the family I have.

There is just something about the holiday season that makes me so, so giddy. The Christmas station is programmed in in my car and there is no changing it until after New Years - yes, I am one of those. But you should already know that by now. I prance around the house jammin' out to Sounds of the Season in my loudest singing voice possible. It makes my girlies smile, and join in of course. E may think that every Christmas song is 'Jingle Bells', and I'm perfectly fine with that! Starting her young, you know.

Joy to the freakin' world, it's Christmastime, friends!

Being able to do Christmas crafts with E, like the wreath above, might possibly be one of my favorite things about having children! ha..I do love it!

Whilst many of you out there get annoyed with the early Christmas music and festiveness, I am quite the opposite. Sometimes I wish the Christmas season would last half the year! But then I remember it wouldn't be as special ;) I do wait until after Thanksgiving to get all festive, though. No worries!

We got to add a new stocking to the mantle this year. And the significance of that brings much joy to my life!

Our first timer is takin' it all in this year -- learning the ropes for next year and every year to follow. I think her favorite might be the cuddles on our homemade blanket beds as we watch the classic movies and Christmas specials together. Home Alone tops the charts for me, hands down.

She's enjoyed sitting tree-side, watching us string lights around the tree and accessorize it with the most special ornaments (and non-special, i.e. a pickle) we have.

You know what else gets my holiday spirits bursting through the roof -- all the scents of the season! That's what real Christmas trees are for! + festive candles and baked goodies, too! They say that scents can trigger long-forgotten memories, and what better time than Christmastime to trigger childhood memories.

"Pretty, momma! Smells pretty!"

The smell of the wide array of Christmas cookies GG baked while here -- oh yesss, the scents brought back so many memories! And the taste as well -- she baked some of her originals she makes year after year, and E couldn't have been happier.

"Momma, this so fun!! Cookies! Fun!"

Have you ever seen the Easter bunny baking Christmas Cookies? Now ya have!

Hearing her sweet voice say that while baking cookies with GG in the kitchen reminded me of all the times I'd bake with GG when I was younger (and even in college, too, let's be honest!) And they used GG's very old sifter - the same sifter my mom would use while baking Christmas cookies in the kitchen as a kid with GG. Oh, the memories that sifter has witnessed..haha ;)

Spending time with family has been wonderful when they've come to visit, and we are so thankful we will be able to spend Christmas Eve & Day with our families, even if only going down for a very short while! As a physician, there will be plenty of times J has to work holidays, but this year we are getting lucky. Thank goodness as it is Baby A's very first Christmas!

Spending whatever short amount of time we get with J while he's here at the house, we cherish. Seeing festive touches around our own very first home, I cherish. And making Christmas memories with my babies, I really, really cherish!

Daddy bought E her very own Christmas tree and the happiness it's brought her is just adorable. She is sure to tell everyone about the "E tree" and the "Daddy tree". Mommy and Baby A don't have their own trees, in her eyes! ha.

Caught her admiring her tree one afternoon.

Tis the season to be jolly.

Falalalala. La la la laaaa!

Hope you're having a wonderful Christmas season - from our tacky family to yours!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from our little Disney crew!

disney family costumes; mickey mouse clubhouse costumes; family costume ideas

Last year on E's first Halloween, we dressed up as Peter Pan, Hook & Tinkerbell,
and now on baby A's first Halloween, we're keeping a Disney family thing goin' --
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse characters ;)

Hope everyone has had a wonderful, safe, and chocolate filled day!

Happy Halloween to this little first timer Minnie Mouse :)

Freshly Picked Giveaway {September 2014} + Fall Printables Giveaway!!

Charlene41 Comments
It's September, ladies and gentlemen!! Fall is just around the corner and I am pumped for the start of it. We're ready for the cooler crisp air (not the cold though, folks!) and ready for the crock pot meals, pumpkins on the porch, and fall beers (in about a month for me!). September could potentially be our new baby girl's birth month as well! That's crazy talk if you ask me.

Happy, Happy Labor Day & Happy, Happy September!!

freshly picked moccasins giveaway september 2014 by becoming the barrs
To celebrate Labor Day and kick off the {almost} start of Fall 2014, we are giving away a pair of my most favorite baby and tot shoes -- Freshly Picked Moccasins, of course - in your choice of color and size (a $60 value!) Did you see Susan on Shark Tank with these beauties?! And also giving away all SIX Fall printables I made for my shop {The Barrtique}.


Many of you remember E's gorgeous gold Freshly Picked moccs. While we had tons of other baby shoes, nothing beat these babies! They were the ONLY shoes to stay on her baby feet and they were certainly the cutest, too. She got compliments everywhere we went. From kids to sweet elderly women passing us by -- everyone commented on those shiny gold moccs!


And then, our baby girl learned to walk in her Freshly Picked moccasins. They were wonderful for a new walker, and even on ALL terrains. The best part about it was her adorable baby foot prints that are forever marked on the bottom of the moccasins.

best shoes for a beginner walker; new walker baby shoes

This year, we're rockin' the Freshly Picked Golden Rod Limited Edition moccasins, which go along perfectly with our yellow front door we painted - just in time for Fall!

goldenrod freshly picked moccasins giveaway

I think this tot is happy to have these comfy beauties back on her little feetsies!

best shoes for new walker

She's such a curious explorer, and she's happy to wear them anywhere - grass, dirt, beach, indoors, etc. I hope they are her favorite cause they are definitely mine :)

Just doin' what she does best - explorin'.

golden rod free freshly picked moccassins giveaway

Actually, if you know E, you know what she does best is RUN. Run, run, run. Anywhere I go, I am always asked if my child even knows how to walk because she's only ever running from here to there, there to here, and no lie, in circles around anything and everything. She's a quick one. And Freshly Picked moccs are even awesome for all her marathon running endeavors!

golden rod freshly picked moccassins giveaway

Thankfully, they protect her feet well from all her falls; her knees on the other hand -- well they're not lookin' so hot these days!

E and I are really ready for Fall, and almost ready to meet her baby sis, who will surely be getting her own pair of FP moccs soon!!

free freshly picked moccasins giveaway september 2014

In the meantime, while we wait for the official start of Fall, let's celebrate!

If you'd like a pair of Freshly Picked moccasins for your own little one, or for the PERFECT shower gift for a momma-to-be or your favorite new baby in town, these will surely be a hit so enter below!!

And if you'd also like to win ALL SIX of the new Fall printables by The Barrtique (so you have an option to choose which to hang in your home or give as gifts!), enter below as well! They are available on SALE NOW for $4 each as instant downloads in my Etsy Shop. (If you win, I will refund you).

fall printables giveaway rustic modern the barrtique


The fine print: There will be one winner. Contest begins Monday, September 1, 2014 and ends Sunday, September 7, 2014. Winner will be announced Monday, September 8, here on the blog {www.becomingthebarrs.com} and will be notified via email. Contest open to US residents only. The winner of the giveaway can not have won any other giveaway including a pair of Freshly Picked moccasins within the last 60 days.

To win, you must be a blog follower of Becoming The Barr's {click on the right side of the blog to follow}. In addition, there are many extra ways to earn your entries below! Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Birthday Hubby! {A birthday full of THANKS and GIVING}

Happy Thanksgiving to you and you and you! With love from The Barr's :)
{on our first Thanksgiving where we are not having to either A. travel amongst the rest of the country or B. host tons of family at our house with a 10 day old newbie baby! Not sure if I love or dislike that fact, but either way it is nice to not travel and it is absolutely gorgeous out today AND it is my husband's 27th birthday, so it is a wonderful day indeed!}

With that being said,
Happy, Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! 

I compiled photos of us from our beginning  (February 2002) -
before we had driver's licenses, diplomas, and certainly no responsibilities -
and created a video for my husband as a little gift.

Putting this together brought more than just a gift for him.
It brought me memories upon memories upon memories
that make me the most thankful woman on the planet today.
(or at least that's how I feel...)

Seriously, I am beyond blessed.
And I don't know if I will ever stop thanking the big man above
for bringing me what He has!

Happy 27th (Thanksgiving) Birthday to my husband,
whom I am beyond thankful to have experienced an amazing little life with
for the past (almost) 12 years.
I am incredibly proud of the man he has become and 
incredibly admiral of all that he hopes to accomplish next!

Enjoy :)

By the way, in case you haven't heard it a bazillion and 4 times on this blog,
here's # bazillion and 5 --
We are BEYOND thankful for this amazing little girl.

Here's a special THANKS to you, Baby E,
for GIVING us so much joy and love
in life that we never even knew we were missing

And apparently, she is thankful for us too :)


And thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who help make our lives completely blessed!