My Little Newborn {Baby E photos}

Charlene9 Comments
I want to remember all of our snuggles and kisses. And looking each other in the eyes while drawing a smile on each other's faces - making that connection and just knowing we have that bond of momma and baby. I want to remember her Daddy time and all the stories he tells her, including the random facts she'll grow to spit out herself. And I'll wonder, "how the heck does she know that crap?" and then remember where it came from. Her Daddy time. Same way J apparently learned all of his random tidbits of useless, yet fascinating information.

But all of those moments, those will have to be tucked away in that 'memory jar' section of our minds. And I'll remember it! But her physical details - and how beautiful they are! - well those are easier to capture and look back on. From her nose to her toes and her hips to her lips. I want to remember all aspects of her newborn wrinkly skin and her tiny little nails that top her tiny little fingers. She's my little beauty, after all!

newborn detail photos

It's hard to believe my little girl is already 8 weeks old. Oh time, where do you go? I'm already missing her skinny eency weency legs, but loving the soft little chunk growing on them! Missing the sweet little newborn sleepers she's starting to grow out of, but loving the new ones we get to show off. I'm slowly realizing that while I miss her first few weeks and newborn-ish ways like crazy, with each little phase we pass, she gains some amazingly cute new traits, features, and habits. I know these cycles will only continue so I'm embracing each new milestone she reaches while kissing the old ones goodbye and tucking them into that little jar of memories in my head.

I want to remember those beautiful blue eyes that are full of curiosity and wonder.

And the way her bottom lip sticks straight out when she's starting to get sad. Oh, it melts my heart! But her silly faces make me feel all better.

Her calm demeanor that the hospital nurses spoke about will always be one of the first qualities I think of when meeting my baby girl.

I want to remember those tiny, cute little lips that love to blow bubbles!

And the day they started cracking smiles when Mommy or Daddy make fools of themselves by singing made up songs to you.

I love the way she fits so perfectly in Mommy and Daddy's arms - like she was meant to be there. And those arms will always be here to wrap around her, no matter her size!

And most importantly, I want to remember the way it all felt. The love. The bond. The gratefulness. I want to remember the way it felt to meet our little creation and know that we are bonded for life as a family.

I want to remember our beautiful little girl - the one who stole our heart in an instance.

We love you, Baby E!