Florida, Here We Come {on the move again...}

Charlene3 Comments
You heard that right. It's that time to move again. Didn't we just do this? As you can imagine, I've been insanely busy, especially being that the husband is out of town this month. All for a good reason!

Bring on the movers. Reserve the U-Haul. Pack them boxes like it's our job. Pay one million dollars for all that. Repeat in 11 months. {BARF}

It doesn't seem like all that long ago when I posted about making this place our home. Oh, that's right, because that was just this past August ;)

teal and rustic home decor
Oh, hey...the house actually WAS clean before baby!

But now, we are movin' on down to Florida! To be around family! Say whaaaaat! It's been 8 years since we graduated high school and moved away for college. And now, we are returning {for just the next year, that is..til we're on the move again...}

Bring on the family BBQ's, sunshine, ocean air, views like this {below} from the condo, my baby and sister's babies being BFF's, and Wings Plus! Hell to the yeah.


And here's where I'll pause my celebratory 'Florida, here we come!' jazz.



We are excited to be back down there for said reasons, however, I know there will be sporadic moments where we'll miss our calm, routine little lifestyle we've built for ourselves on our own. We complain, yes. We didn't want to move here in the first place, true. And well, there's just not a whole lot to do where we currently live in the middle of Georgia.



So, we've been forced to make our own fun. Our own little family fun, even if it's just setting up a picnic in the backyard while being jealous of my sister attending every festival, beach, and park possible with her kiddies in Florida. All that aside, I KNOW there will be moments looked back on where we just may miss our boring little calm life here.




But, let's be honest, being around family will be wonderful for the year and we are ready for it. Ready for family. Ready for fun. Ready for summer! {Especially because we just booked tickets to Ocean City in a few weeks with family - woohoo!}


You heard that right, we are officially ready for summer! (Til I'm hot as #$@* over the summer and ready for Fall, that is!)



Happy Mother's Day weekend to you, and you, and you! I'll be back soon with a lil Mother's Day post. For now, I've got my momma here visiting, my hubby home for the weekend, my baby girl and puppy sleeping, and I am off to bed.

P.S. - Today was one month since I launched the new items in the Etsy shop {The BARRTIQUE}, and I'm thrilled to say we've reached 110+ sales. {a big thank you!}
.........Think I smell a giveaway soon!