the lyrics that move us...

Charlene4 Comments

I'm known to sit in silence at times. When I'm blogging, editing, Etsy-ing (new made-up word, yes), or anything of the like, it sometimes doesn't even cross my mind to turn on the TV or jam out to Pandora -- until my husband walks in and asks why I am sitting in silence. Why, that's a very good question! I really don't mean to. I just don't think about it I guess. But my gosh, the times I do think to turn on Pandora and light one of my favorite candles, I get in-freakin-spired like no other and wonder why I don't do it more.

(Might I add right now -- the husband just called as I finished typing that paragraph..
J: "What's that noise in the background?"
Me: "Pandora"
J: "Wow! Look at you....impressive"

I was once asked by someone, randomly, whether I like music because of the lyrics or melody. My answer: lyrics. Their answer: melody. Sometimes I hear a song, and instantly fall in love. I fall in love because I hear one or two lines that just draw me in and keep me hooked.


When I first found out I was pregnant with my sweet baby and worried day and night, I remember sitting in my car on my way home from work and hearing the song "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz. Oh, those words hit me hard in that moment..

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up, still looking up.

Well, I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)


It was one of the first times I rubbed my belly with my hand, and I then promised my little baby in there that I wouldn't give up and I'd try my hardest to make everything okay with us. I prayed so hard in that moment to let everything be great for our little family.



So the other day, when my sweet girl was sitting on my lap falling asleep while I sat on the computer editing photos and the song "I Won't Give Up" came on, I immediately flashed back to that moment in my car and gave my baby a gentle hug and whispered "Thank you" out loud.


It's funny how something as simple as lyrics can make you feel so emotional. I proceeded to whisper to her how thankful I am to have her sitting on my lap in that very moment while listening to that song. I felt so fulfilled, so blessed, and simply happy.


And shortly after that, the song "Lucky" by Jason Mraz came on. Apparently I have a little obsession with Jason Mraz. Apparently I should have titled this post 'The Jason Mraz lyrics that move us..' but anyway, I heard that song and again, it just felt good to listen to it.

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again

Lucky we're in love in every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

(Of course that song JUST came on Pandora as I was looking up the lyrics -- I just knew something weird like that would happen!)


I really am lucky. And I thank my lucky stars every day for bringing me my best friend to love. Those of you others who are lucky enough to be in love with your best friend -- forget about the times you piss each other off over the little things, forget about the times he leaves a pile of clothes wherever he feels like it, or whatever it is that drives you crazy sometimes -- and remember just how lucky you are. It is true that it takes hard work together, that you do have to put forth effort, and there is another side to love than luck, however, not a day goes by that I don't feel 'lucky to have been where I have been' and 'lucky we're in love in every way.' It's a wonderful thing.


Perhaps my favorite line from the song...

You make it easier when life gets hard.

It's one of the main qualities in our marriage that I am thankful for. And I know it's a reciprocal thing for us. We have many outside stresses  med school, little time together, moving 24/7, life changing decisions to be made, not knowing our next move, etc. that have the potential to drive us crazy, but somehow we just know how to make things easy on each other (well, we try to), and oh lawdy, that is one glorious quality of marriage that I welcome with open arms into ours! We know how to keep each other grounded when the rest of our life is up in the air.


I'm so lucky to have married my best friend. Lucky in every way.


And when it comes to our family....well.....


Some lyrics just realllly move me! :)

I normally wouldn't post my husband's texts on here, but no joke, just checked my phone to find a text from the hubby whose out of town..
"I love having you all as my little family, I'm so lucky"

*Heart. Is. Melting..*

Try not to puke from all the coincidental lucky in love overload from this post, please...