
Family Trip to Madeira Beach

Charlene1 Comment
The salty air of the beach, warm sand, and sun fill that random jar of memories I keep bottled up in my head. Scouring the beach for the perfect shell (if vacationing on the west coast) or jumping my highest to tower over the waves (while vacationing on the east coast) remind me just how much fun it was being one of the kids on family vacations. Our ginormous family has always been able to push the busyness that consumes our lives aside to make time for each other, and to make time for memories. Looking back, I am thankful that 'the adults' always did this for us (and themselves) and fast forwarding to now, I am thankful that we are able to do this as well for ourselves and our children. By a family trip, I don't just mean my little family. I mean four generations of grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles - all in one trip!

sand toys and sand castles madiera beach fl

We packed up kiddies, bathing suits, and sand toys. We shopped for donuts, chips & dips, kiddy treats and beer. And we simply enjoyed - making memories one shell search, sunset, and sand dollar digging session at a time.

kids playing madeira beach fl

madiera beach fl sunset

baby playing in the sand at the beach

siblings playing on beach

The guys raced on the sand and hurt themselves, and us gals had a little race too which may or may not have made one or two of us bust our asses.  I shall spare you the pictures.

Hours were spent with toes in the sand, drinks in hand, laughing, reflecting, and playing.

madiera beach fl


johny on the beach

I sure am thankful to have a baby who looves the beach. She spent the days soaking up the fresh air.

family on the beach all day

And playing hard means sleeping hard. Baby girl slept the best she ever has. Two full two hour naps per day and long, long nights of snoozing. All the walking and cruising around surely helps!


Madeira Beach, Florida did not disappoint. With beaches and sunsets, and a boardwalk full of shops, bars, and restaurants, memories were made in abundance.

madeira beach family set up

family dinner bubba gump shrimp

While our little miss has been on several beach trips with us, and even some of her cousins, this was her first trip with the whole crew. She loves keeping up with all her cousins and they are just as happy to let her keep up. Cousin love makes me happy!
{insert edit here: my husband just texted me while on an away rotation "cousin love makes me happy?!"} Haha, yes he is right. But come on, sisterly love, brotherly love -- you get it, right? ;)


writing babies name in the sand

Baby girl's got a soft spot for Johny -- who takes on her walks, cuddles, and shares plenty of playful moments with her -- including scouring the shore for shells to write her name in the sand with :) I was 12 when he was born, and he was 13 when she was born, so it's fun to see the dynamics that I had with him being shared between him and my daughter now. Awwww ;)

writing in the sand madiera beach fl

It's not just the kiddies that make up the memories. It's the whole family combined. The generations of family members coming together to catch up, enjoy each other, and remember past memories of moments just like these. That's what makes it all so special.

madiera beach sunset photo with grandma and granddaughter


family on beach

grandma and granddaughters madeira beach fl

Siblings, young and old, got along (for the most part) and begged to come back again soon. Sunset gazing makes for a tranquil atmosphere, that's for sure!

siblings on beach

watching sunset

Some of my favorite families on the beach this weekend, together making up one big family, creating memories and loving the moment.

The Smollett's

The Vicario's

The McDonald's

The Barr's

We sure did miss a few of the family members who couldn't make it, but you were without a doubt thought of.

I think I can speak on behalf of everyone by saying we are truly thankful for the opportunities to spend moments like this together - and we will truly love looking back on these memories while creating new and similar ones in the future.

kids building sandcastles madiera beach fl
So much sun, so much fun!

Check back soon for my 'trip after the family trip' to see how I spent the rest of the week!

Happy October!! {from my not-so-festive self}

Charlene5 Comments
We are 10 days into October, folks! By this time, I am normally well over a month deep in orange and hay and pumpkins galore. See here,  here, here, and here. (wow, looking back, I freakin' love Fall!) A festive mantle and a "Don't-I-Just-Scream-Autumn" wreath traditionally take over our home and porch in an abundance by now. But, ladies a gentlemen, sadly (or not so sadly?), that is just not the case this year.

I am in Florida. It is 90 something degrees outside. And I am on vacation at the beach for a week. And did I mention I don't live in my own home currently? Oh yeah, and my beloved decorations are stowed away not so neatly in a pretty little storage unit that houses our whole entire boxed up home. Fall projects, decor, and baked yummies - you may have to wait until next year for our little Barr family. Sad, yes, however I know I will make up for it when time permits! And dammit, you betta believe I will make time permit.

Amidst a beautiful week at the beach with family, hanging in the gulf on my husband's back, little cousins surrounding us - we caught a front row view of dancing dolphins in their natural habitat. It has been great and I have nothing to complain about - Beautiful, breathtaking, and memorable - yes. Just not so 'fall-y' if ya know what I mean!

With that being said, we found a pretty little pumpkin patch nestled in the heat of South Florida. Beyond exciting for this momma -- it was Baby E's first trip to the pumpkin patch!


The hay ride may have been hay-less, but did my baby girl notice? Heck no.


She loved crawling amongst the pumpkins and trying hard to avoid her photo-overboard mother following her around with a camera. That screams 'fall', right?!


The best part about this year -- which beats a hay-filled hay ride and fall colored leaves --  is baby girl getting to spend the season with family.

Does it get better than that?



I plan to return to this gem at least once before Halloween, to soak up some more memories and get us in the spirit after returning from the beach. Baby E had a blast with her cousins and little friend :)



Four little beauties playing together at the pumpkin patch makes this mommas heart happy!





It's certainly not about the weather, the leaves, or finding the perfect pumpkin -- while those things just add that festively fun touch -- it's about creating the perfect day for perfect memories, at least in the eyes of a child. As adults, we can point out imperfections everywhere, but these sweet girls' whose eyes lit up at the sight of pumpkins, well they had a blast being outside, being with each other, and ultimately sleeping soundly on the way home. I just need to remind myself about the little things that matter most!




A perfect day in their eyes, indeed!


To make up for my lack of fall decorating and festiveness, prepare to see such said missed decor at baby girl's first birthday party. Yes, I said first birthday -- which is ONLY one month and 3 days away. Sigh.


My little pumpkin melts my heart every single day. In every single way. I don't need cool weather to be reminded just how wonderful it is to have the pleasure of raising this sweet girl every day.

well, hello florida!

Charlene6 Comments
greetings from florida baby on south florida beach

Even the blazing sun causing sweat soaked clothes, sweltering car temperatures, and frizzed-up-like-a-mother hair conditions can't keep us from hatin' on the state we call home. It's more like helllllo glistening waves, swaying palm fronds and fogged up sunglasses -- you are makin' me one happy girl this summer!




One happy busy girl, that is! I'm thankful for how busy I've been with The Barrtique, and grateful to be around family as much as we have been. And blessed to have been able to travel and do all of the wonderful activities we had envisioned when picturing moving back to South Florida for the year. I must apologize for neglecting this beloved blog of mine. Apology accepted?! Please and thank you :) Just look at this face, how could you not accept our apology..


After a summer jam-packed with salty, sandy, sun-kissed skin (that is NOT over yet, my friends!), we officially took the plunge yesterday and reverted our fruit of choice from peaches back to oranges yet again. And by that, I mean we spent a day at the DMV, followed by the tag office to officially become Florida residents again (only $1,017 later...it sure does require a lot to love those oranges) Happy to be back (for now), although I will always have a love for Georgia as it blessed us with our lil peach.


Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in 8 years, we officially live in South Florida again. And we are soaking up the sun every moment we can (while I am not glued to my computer doing work or hubby at work and/or out of town) before we leave again in May. We were long deprived of the misty atmosphere the beach offers, and are now doing our best to make up for lost beach treasures time.



Memories are in the making -- in an abundance too, that's for sure. Baby girl may not remember every salty excursion she encountered this summer, but her mommy and daddy will, and I'm sure she'll hear all about how amazing her first summer was under a canopy of palm trees. Much time spent with family, and cousins making memories together, just like we all used to!




From South Florida, to the Florida Keys, Jacksonville, Tampa, Tarpon Springs, Cocoa Beach, and many days at Deerfield Beach, you can't say we haven't been beachin' and poolin' it to the max. (Did we just go back to Saved By The Bell days?...I think so)


Sister and cousin time has been awesomeee. (Especially when we're at an amazing resort in the Keys. Heck yeaaa!)



Just as you can imagine from us, no matter where we've been or what we've done, we still have not gotten over the fact that we've created this amazing little girl who offers so much joy and love right back at us. She just turned 9 months (and yes, an 8 & 9 month blog post will be making it's way up here shortly..) and lucky for us, she loves all that the beach and water has to offer. Our lil fish, indeed :)


We still can't help but look at her in awe of how wonderful she is to us, and we still thank God each and every day for bringing her to us! This little girl has got Daddy wrapped around her finger, and well, mommy too! Oh, so in love.



We had to spend a month apart this summer, yet somehow managed to pack in all that we have so far in Florida. Seriously, the people may not be the friendliest as many say, but with our family in tow and a beautiful atmosphere, we are loving every moment -- every moment of our year long vacation, as we are calling it.



As you can see, Florida has been treating us well. I may spend hours upon hours upon hours sitting at my desk getting work done, and J may have spent a month away from home in addition to many hours in the hospital, but lawdy, we are makin' it to the beach somehow. We are doing our best to make it worth all $1017 it took to become residents of this beautiful state that we are now calling home again.

_DSC0197 copy

Sure do wish you were here!


...and just a little topping to end a cheerful little post -- our summer according to my phone :)

Georgia on my mind... {closing another chapter}

Charlene6 Comments
It's almost about that time. We have 5 more nights in this home. The house where Baby E first came home to. Where she spent her first night home after leaving the hospital. Where we went from being a 'couple' to a being a 'family.' It's a home we certainly won't forget about.

chalkboard typography ideas; chalkboard drawing ideas; how to draw chalkboard letters

As we close yet another chapter of our story to begin a new one, I've got a few things on my mind. As much as I've missed Florida at times (or well, family), oh Georgia, you've certainly treated us well. It was my first time living out of state. We moved to Georgia as an engaged couple with a dog ready to take on the medical school life (hubby being the student, me being the tagalong). And what do you know, since moving to Georgia, we've made some incredible memories with some of the most amazing friends we could ask for, we've become a married couple, I had a great job, we found out we were blessed with an amazing gift from God in my belly, and got to welcome that sweet little Georgia Peach into the world here.

diy knot cotton knot head band

hipsqueaks inspired cotton tie knot headband

Seems weird to think that I moved into this home when I was a little over 6 months pregnant, and now we're moving out while she is a little over 6 months old.


And, of course, we can't forget about the reason for moving here in the first place -- my hubby has learned 3/4 of what it takes to be a physician. And I am so unbelievably proud of him for all that he has accomplished so far, and for how insanely hard he has worked to get to where he is. I may have to hear endless - and yes I mean ENDLESS - medical conversations that only him + his dorky medical school friends (guys, I kid, I kid!) and anyone in their situation can understand that may or may not include talks about Borrelia burgdorferi, Kawasaki's, and a myriad of random diseases.....AND my husband may talk to me in normal conversation mixed with terms he knows I do not understand, i.e. primigravida (meaning first time pregnancy) to which I can't help but question why the heckkk he wouldn't just use 'first time pregnancy' when speaking to me...BUT, it all just reminds me how incredibly far him and all our friends have come since we first met during orientation week in 2010. They have come a LONG way, and from my non-medical wife aspect of all of this, I am so thankful for the friendships that have come along with it all.

We are packing up our belongings, our memories, and pretty much our life in general into bubble wrap, boxes, and bags, and feeling grateful for all that Georgia has brought to us.



Our house has had shizz ev-er-y-where and things are a bit up the air at the moment, but we're getting there. Teamwork, baby! Teamwork :)



I've been blessed to have my momma here helping - and our laundry has never been washed as often or put away as quickly as it has since she's been here, which has been a.maze.ing! Especially when I have these two helpers makin' life look pretty dang good.


Lord knows how stressful moving can be, especially when we have moved almost every year since graduating high school 8 years ago, but that's just a small part of our life in comparison to all we have to be thankful for.

Also, have I mentioned we are moving in with the in-laws? Again, another thing we are thankful to even have the option to do! Let's be honest, though, no matter how well anyone gets along with their in-laws, living together (with anyone!) can be a tough situation as a family. Luckily, we all have a love for good food and beer to keep us together :) So if we all become insane alcoholics, you'll know why! haha, TOTALLY kidding -- we are beyond grateful for the opportunity and super excited to live around such an amazing family in a beautiful atmosphere. Baby girl is ready for Florida -- in her flamingo outfit and all ;)


Oh, and I couldn't leave without bragging explaining how thrilled we are to be living within 15-20 minutes of the beach again, and without showing off where we will be headed on a (little bit late) anniversary trip next month..


The fact that we will be living 1.5 hours from this salty haven in The Keys might possibly help ease our mind about leaving the wonderful life and friends we've made for ourselves in GA. No, but really, no matter where our life takes us in the future, one thing is for sure....


Just an old sweet song will keep Georgia on my mind :)