Georgia on my mind... {closing another chapter}

Charlene6 Comments
It's almost about that time. We have 5 more nights in this home. The house where Baby E first came home to. Where she spent her first night home after leaving the hospital. Where we went from being a 'couple' to a being a 'family.' It's a home we certainly won't forget about.

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As we close yet another chapter of our story to begin a new one, I've got a few things on my mind. As much as I've missed Florida at times (or well, family), oh Georgia, you've certainly treated us well. It was my first time living out of state. We moved to Georgia as an engaged couple with a dog ready to take on the medical school life (hubby being the student, me being the tagalong). And what do you know, since moving to Georgia, we've made some incredible memories with some of the most amazing friends we could ask for, we've become a married couple, I had a great job, we found out we were blessed with an amazing gift from God in my belly, and got to welcome that sweet little Georgia Peach into the world here.

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Seems weird to think that I moved into this home when I was a little over 6 months pregnant, and now we're moving out while she is a little over 6 months old.


And, of course, we can't forget about the reason for moving here in the first place -- my hubby has learned 3/4 of what it takes to be a physician. And I am so unbelievably proud of him for all that he has accomplished so far, and for how insanely hard he has worked to get to where he is. I may have to hear endless - and yes I mean ENDLESS - medical conversations that only him + his dorky medical school friends (guys, I kid, I kid!) and anyone in their situation can understand that may or may not include talks about Borrelia burgdorferi, Kawasaki's, and a myriad of random diseases.....AND my husband may talk to me in normal conversation mixed with terms he knows I do not understand, i.e. primigravida (meaning first time pregnancy) to which I can't help but question why the heckkk he wouldn't just use 'first time pregnancy' when speaking to me...BUT, it all just reminds me how incredibly far him and all our friends have come since we first met during orientation week in 2010. They have come a LONG way, and from my non-medical wife aspect of all of this, I am so thankful for the friendships that have come along with it all.

We are packing up our belongings, our memories, and pretty much our life in general into bubble wrap, boxes, and bags, and feeling grateful for all that Georgia has brought to us.



Our house has had shizz ev-er-y-where and things are a bit up the air at the moment, but we're getting there. Teamwork, baby! Teamwork :)



I've been blessed to have my momma here helping - and our laundry has never been washed as often or put away as quickly as it has since she's been here, which has been a.maze.ing! Especially when I have these two helpers makin' life look pretty dang good.


Lord knows how stressful moving can be, especially when we have moved almost every year since graduating high school 8 years ago, but that's just a small part of our life in comparison to all we have to be thankful for.

Also, have I mentioned we are moving in with the in-laws? Again, another thing we are thankful to even have the option to do! Let's be honest, though, no matter how well anyone gets along with their in-laws, living together (with anyone!) can be a tough situation as a family. Luckily, we all have a love for good food and beer to keep us together :) So if we all become insane alcoholics, you'll know why! haha, TOTALLY kidding -- we are beyond grateful for the opportunity and super excited to live around such an amazing family in a beautiful atmosphere. Baby girl is ready for Florida -- in her flamingo outfit and all ;)


Oh, and I couldn't leave without bragging explaining how thrilled we are to be living within 15-20 minutes of the beach again, and without showing off where we will be headed on a (little bit late) anniversary trip next month..


The fact that we will be living 1.5 hours from this salty haven in The Keys might possibly help ease our mind about leaving the wonderful life and friends we've made for ourselves in GA. No, but really, no matter where our life takes us in the future, one thing is for sure....


Just an old sweet song will keep Georgia on my mind :)