{Project 52} Week 2 :: This makes me laugh

Charlene2 Comments
Baby E is 2 months old today! Ahh, crazy. Check back for her 2 month photos tomorrow! :)


My Project 52 Challenge by Paint The Moon

Week 2 Theme: "This makes me laugh"
My photo of the week:
Daddy making funny faces at Baby E

Why I chose this:
Well, the plain and simple answer: watching this makes me laugh! J will make the funniest faces, make up songs to her, play peek-a-boo -- whatever he can do to get our girl smiling and cooing. Some of the stuff he does really cracks me up and some of it is pretty ridiculous. Haha :) He gets her to stick out her tongue too (photo below!) This activity plays into our daily routine and I know it will only get cuter and cuter -- especially when she gets the belly laughs going! I love them both, and I love watching them play together :)

project 52 this is our life; this makes me laugh


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