Baby E {2 month photos & favorites}

Charlene9 Comments
For some reason, I thought we did last months in just the Tee and a diaper. Turns out she was wearing pink pants and it looks way better! So next month, we will return to the pants and leave the no-pants party behind ;)

For real? 2 months? (on the 13th!) Ahh, my lil baby is growing up ;)

Not only is it a celebration of our baby girl turning 2 months old, it's also a celebration of us being parents for 2 months. And every moment has been amazing. (perhaps the diaper blow-outs haven't been the greatest moments, and neither were today's round of shots at the doctors, but everything else!)

Having this baby to love, this face to admire, and this lil body to cuddle is a-freakin-mazing!


Today, we visited the pediatrician for her 2 month check up. And shots. My poor baby :( She did great though, thanks to my sister's recommendation of having a bottle set and ready..popped it in her mouth after the shots, and boom, settled :) Momma got a shot too, just so baby knew she wasn't in this alone! haha..(and maybe because I'm trying to avoid this nasty flu going around like it's my job)

2 month stats:
9 lbs, 11 oz.
24 1/4"

"Wooohooo, I'm 2 months!"

Tall and skinny. A little too skinny according to the "charts" but the doctor says he has no concerns and to keep doing what we're doing. Apparently breastfed babies don't get those extra rolls I'm used to seeing on all my baby loves, so we'll just have to bundle up with layers of snuggly clothes instead of relying on chunky thighs ;) He says she looks great, acts great, and is doing wonderfully on the cuteness chart. :) So not to worry.

Baby girl has recently started sleeping through the night. There have been 7 hour stretches and 2 nights of 8+ hours. And how wonderful those nights are!!

She's met all her milestones, that 2 month old of ours! So let's check out our 2 month favorites!


Let me start by saying that everything listed in the 1 month favorites are STILL a current favorite at 2 months. We literally still use everything from the 1 month list and I'd still recommend it all!

But moving right along...

1. Bright Starts Activity Gym - She is LOVING this activity mat! It's comfy, plays music and flashes pretty lights, has a mirror hanging from it, and toys hanging down for her to bat at. She does tummy time for a little on the mat, and then switches to her back once she's over tummy time. She will lay on it and just smile and everything going on! And it's fun to watch her, of course :)

2. Baby Mittens- Great for 2 purposes! One being it stops her from scratching her face which she's pretty good at doing (those dang nails are hard to clip!) and two, it stops her from yanking out all my hair (which she is very good at doing!)

3. Gumdrop Pacifiers- She isn't big into paci's, but we always try as I know it calms her down and she's always trying to suck. It soothes her if we put it in for just a little while, and she'll spit it out when she's calm. These ones are her favorite, and I believe it's because they are most similar to the slow flow bottle nipples we use, which are pretty similar to the real deal she normally eats from!

4. Tiny Love Take-along Mobile- This one is a definite favorite! I bought this for Baby E for Christmas mainly to use on all of our road trips we were venturing on. It worked wonders. Aside from the arm in the photo above that clips onto cribs, bassinets, etc., it also comes with a clip to allow it to hang from things such as the car seat, stroller, etc. It is pretty small so I can just bring along the mobile part in the diaper bag and attach it to her car seat for longer car rides. On all of our adventures in month 2, such as to South Florida, Tally, Atlanta, etc., this hung from her car seat and kept her entertained and calm!

5. Lil Sleepers - Oh, how I love to dress her in these footed jammies! Like, ALL DAY AND NIGHT! It should be acceptable to wear these everywhere, and it makes J and I wonder why it isn't acceptable for adults to wear footed jammies everywhere! haha

6. JJ Cole Pacifier Pod- This hangs on the outside of our diaper bag. Makes it very easy to quickly grab a paci without having to search when baby starts fussing in a store or some quiet location. Also can be washed in the dishwasher or washing machine.

7. Skip Hop Diaper Bag - I have this diaper bag and love it. My sister got the same one, too :) It's cute and functional, not "baby-ish", but carries all her baby gear wonderfully!

8. Medela Harmony Manual Pump - I got this manual pump from the hospital when I delivered baby girl, and I stuck it in the closet thinking I wouldn't ever have a need for it since I have a double electric pump. Last minute, I threw it in the car before our 7 hour road trip to S. Florida. So lucky I did! I used it like crazy while traveling, and I am constantly using this on car rides when I need to pump and have a bottle ready for her in the car. What a lifesaver it became while traveling. Or should I say breastfeeding-saver!

9. Angelcare Movement Monitor - This monitor is great. Sound is great, quality is great, and most importantly, it detects movement/breathing and alerts you if necessary. It tells you the temperature in the room as well. For some reason, I like that feature when I wake up in the middle of the night?! Also, on the nursery unit, it has a halo nightlight -- works great for diaper changes in the middle of the night so that you don't have to turn the bright lights on.

10. I Love My Daddy book- Very cute book that J reads to our baby girl nightly :) Simple book - I think he has it memorized, but cute and I'm sure Baby E will have it memorized by the time she can talk, so her and Daddy can read it together!


Baby E certainly jam-packed month 2 with as many adventures a 2 month old can handle (and then some)! She got to visit Florida for the first time, travel many hours in the car with mommy and daddy (get used to it, baby!), meet the rest of her family, and mucho more!

Our little family on the Deerfield Beach pier.

She was baptized!

...celebrated her first Christmas!

...left milk and cookies for Santa :)

Yes, we used Oreos for Santa :( There just isn't enough time in the day when we're in Florida. One year, one year - we will get around to making some fancy cookies for Santa out of our Christmas cookie cookbook!

...went to the park!

....and got to play with her cousins!

She went to South Florida (where Mommy & Daddy are from), Tallahassee (where Mommy & Daddy went to college), and Atlanta (twice! -- where Mommy & Daddy lived when we found out we were having lil E).

She saw the beach, met some new friends, and felts tons and tons of love from everyone! (Especially Mommy, Daddy, & Puppy!)

She started smiling at us -- because, you know, we are just hilarious, obviously! ;)

And more recently, she became interested in TOYS! Oh boy...it starts!

Who knew 2 month olds could be so busy?! It sure was a fun month :)



Until next month... hope you've had fun catching up with me!!!