Babies Don't Keep

Charlene11 Comments
This, I need to remember.

babies dont keep poem 

My days quickly turn into nights, and my nights turn into mornings -- and I can't help but think, what am I doing every day? Where is all my time going?  Why, when I'm at home with my baby, do I not always feel like she has my 100% attention? I often wonder what else I should be doing with her.  How to make my time with her more worthwhile.

I guess it's more of simply learning to be a Mom. Not just a wife. Between the constant tidying up the kitchen, pumping, cleaning the pump supplies, keeping things in the house put away nicely, putting in laundry, etc. and well, trying to find time for a shower and such -- I find that my husband comes home from work and while the house is usually clean, I wonder what I've done with all those hours he was gone. It's all that 'stuff' that fills my time..that no-fun-kinda-stuff. I even find myself skipping meals on the regular because 'stuff' must be done. No time for my shows, no time to craft, sew, or decorate my chalkboard. And of course, that's worth it for my girl! But if I'm finding little time for her, That. Must. Change! And I'm lucky to have a husband who agrees, yet I still don't make it happen.

Note to self:
That cup on the coffee table your husband left there last night? It doesn't have to be put away RIGHT NOW.

The pillows on the couch that are tossed all around? Those can be fluffed and tucked nicely in their respective spots another time.

The couch blankets can be folded later.

I've got a baby to cuddle! And sing to! And read to! And love on :)


And let's be honest, I'm not even a neat freak by any means! I do already take my sweet old time putting laundry away and cleaning the floors in the house! Yet still, I find myself always having 'stuff' to do around the house and less time for her.

In between the many breaks of writing this post (I did start this last night when baby was sleeping) -- I went to clean the pump stuff and somehow started dusting the house. Guess I haven't listened very well!

My baby is only this little once. She will only lay on my chest for so long before she starts crawling away. She will only cat nap in my arms for so long, or sit in my lap without fussing to go play with something else for so long.


While there is always stuff to be done around the house, and I will get to it at some point (promise not to let the house go and end up on 'Hoarders'), I need to take a step back and make that some point a little less often.

The mess will still be there tomorrow! But that sweet little baby who loves being cuddled, sung to and read to -- she's all mine for now!

So quiet down cobwebs,
dust go to sleep..
I'm rocking my baby,
cause babies don't keep.