
Home Tour Series {Master Bedroom - A Gray, Yellow, Teal/Aqua, Black & White Room}

Charlene3 Comments
Moving along from the nursery/toddler room tour, it's time to check out the master re-do!

When we moved in, the walls were some shade of a light sage. They looked great with the previous homeowner's decor, but not ours. We have my mother-in-law to thank for painting this room :)

black and white, gray yellow teal master bedroom decor ideas

We went with Valspar's Gossamer Sky for the walls. A bit brighter than we anticipated, but love it nonetheless!

valspar gossamer sky light aqua paint walls; yellow teal gray room decor

We used touches of decor from our old homes; along with a few new additions (like the lamps, pillows, and bed frame).

white vintage open frames hanging on wall master bedroom

yellow teal room decor; valspar gossamer sky paint; light aqua master bedroom

I am the queen of swapping out comforters/quilts to completely change the decor of a room. I get over comforters pretty quickly, but after going on a mission to find this quilt shortly after we got married, I have been determined to make it work for at least a few years! And I am doing just that, because I do still love it!

If you remember our previous master bedroom, we just used gray and yellow (and black/white)..and after getting over that, I decided to give the look a twist by adding in some teal/turquoise/aqua.

teal yellow master bedroom

yellow turquoise white bedroom decor

I picked up this little white vanity from the antique shop down the street (since our bathroom space is extremely limited!) You can imagine how much E loves this thing. I catch her there 90% of the time when I hear silence...and there she is, decorating her pretty little face with make up. Oh boyyy. Which is why I now keep the makeup and jewelry on the dresser ;)

white vanity from antique shop

We used some of the same black and white photos/canvases we previously had and I also ordered the family one for my side of the bed (which will have to be updated soon!)

black and white canvases in master bedroom decor

light aqua master bedroom decor; aqua and yellow master bedroom; yellow gray aqua bedroom

I wanted a variety of textures on the pillows to add some dimension to the room. They are all from different places, but love the way they came together!

master bedroom decor pillows yellow and aqua

light and airy white aqua master bedroom

We are certainly enjoying the comfort our 'new' room brings us! Room by room, our home has slowly come together and it's becoming more and more 'US' :)


Don't forget to enter my giveaway currently going on to win a pair of Freshly Picked Moccasins and SIX Fall printables from The Barrtique!! Ends Sunday, September 7, 2014.

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Home Tour Series {Nursery/Toddler Room} | coral, teal/turquoise, and gold nursery decor

Charlene5 Comments
In our historic 1922 built home, it's no surprise the rooms are tiny and the closets even tinier. But the character, charm, and coziness make up for it ten-fold. Glass knobs and built in glass cabinets make me a happy girl! Antique shops right around the corner might make me even happier. Oh how I love the rare times I get to take an hour to go peruse the antique shops for perfect little treasures to fill our home.

Coming up on this little space of mine will be a little series of our home tour. First up, the nursery/toddler combo room. Yes, they will be sharing and yes, we might be a little crazy. Wish us luck :)

For now, enjoy the photos -- much of the items are from either the antique shops, leftover from E's first birthday party , Target/Hobby Lobby or DIY'ed - just how I like it! I even busted out my sewing machine to make linens for the room - now that's a big deal for me ;)

coral, teal/turquoise, and gold nursery decor; tissue paper garland banner in nursery

It's a bit random without a real theme to it - but it's more of a soft palette mixed with a few pops of teal, turquoise and coral (which looks like hot pink in these photos?!). There are a few vintage touches mixed with modern patterns. Again, very random. I made the prints throughout the room and may be adding them to my shop soon (and still trying to figure out the perfect print or photo for that blank white frame).

That lamp was bought at Goodwill before having E and I revamped it (as shown in this post) and have now since revamped it again ;) That Goodwill lamp is seriously getting its $7 worth.

coral teal gold nursery

I made the light coral/peach blanket on E's bed which has gold swallows on it, and if you know us well, you might know about the swallow necklace I randomly put on the night before finding out I was pregnant with her and continued to wear throughout my whole pregnancy. It was pretty significant to us (J got the swallow tattoo in honor of this) and now she gets to sleep with them every night :)

nursery gold coral teal accents; lace fabric banner in nursery

The garland/banners were made using scrap fabrics and lace, some leftover from E's first birthday party and some leftover from items I made for the room.

coral, blue gold nursery; floating book shelves in nursery

The bookshelves throughout her room are actually picture ledges from Wayfair.com. They were actually cheaper when I bought them a month ago than they show now, plus a coupon code. So if you plan to get them, just wait a little :) They also sell them at Ikea, which we now realize we should have made a visit to before moving since we don't have the hate-to-love mega store here.

reading center nursery floating book shelves pillows

robins egg blue dresser robins egg changing table gold accents

There's our wonderful blue frame, also used in E's first nursery, and the birdcage mobile was a little DIY project. I made the changing pad cover and crib sheet from fabric at Hobby Lobby. Oh how I am SO happy to have my Hobby Lobby back!! It's been too long.

We will be putting baby girl's initial in that gold frame above her crib when she's born :) And a little gold bird in the bird cage. It's such an amazing thing trying to picture your sweet newborn laying in their peaceful little crib before they arrive. Can't wait to see that tiny baby :)

gold coral teal crib bedding nursery decor; birdcage mobile, diy fabric baby mobile

diy fabric strips crib mobile gold teal pink coral

coral teal gold little girls room

fabric garland in baby room with wall decor

That's E's little glitter gold bow in the small blue frame on the wall. She wore that often when her hair was first long enough for bows, and even wore it on her first Halloween with her Tinkerbell costume. We love it :)

gold teal/turquoise coral pink accents crib nursery gallery wall; watercolor prints in nursery

These pink carnations were placed at the greeting area of Aunt Kathy's funeral, in honor of breast cancer awareness. Always gotta have a little auntie touch -- and she loved decorating just as much as I do :)

diy changing pad cover, gold lamp with ruffles nursery, watercolor nursery print

I had a lot of fun putting this room together - definitely the most exciting room to decorate in the house!

gold teal coral nursery decor; gold teal coral baby room accents; gold teal coral gallery wall above changing table

Hopefully it creates a setting for both of my girls to fill with love! I know they would be just as happy in any room we create for them, even without vintage touches or pops of color, but now the room just has an added touch of love to build memories full of all of us reading together, cuddling together, and having little dance parties as E most definitely loves to do! Bring on the memories :)

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It's February! {love is in the air}

Charlene4 Comments
Yup, LOVE is in the air around our house! This year, especially, our home is filled with more love than ever imaginable. And I love it.

valentine's day chalkboard drawing

I also love the way the sun begins to drop, creeps behind the clouds, yet still those warm golden rays find a way to sneak into our kitchen. Around 5:30pm, the light shines through our home in a strikingly beautiful way. 'Tis gorgeous!

You know what else is gorgeous? This little girl ;) We think so, at least!

baby girl valentine's day photos

Did you know that 'weaning' isn't just a term used for babies?! Yup, I'm weaning myself from sleeping during baby naps, and learning to use nap time as Mommy Time. So this week, this is just one of the projects I've done with Mommy Time.. (but don't get me wrong, I still require a morning nap some days while baby girl is sleeping..it happens!)

I certainly slacked with the Thanksgiving and Christmas decor as baby girl was brand-spanking-new and this momma was brand-spanking-tired and busy. So, I decorated for Valentine's Day. And am excited to decorate for upcoming holidays as well..St. Patrick's, Easter, etc. etc. But let's not get ahead of myself!

I got my craft on and was loving it.

homemade classic valentine's from baby

valentines day mantel decor ideas

This Valentine's Day will mark 11 years since J and I began dating. Oh, that day he asked me to be his girlfriend will forever remain in my memory! I'm so very glad he asked ;)

And Valentine's Day isn't just about loving a significant other -- I know how the single folk tend to hate on V-Day -- but it's a day to just love. Love anyone -- your friends, your family, your dog! Everybody loves somebody..so there's something to celebrate!

mommy and baby valentines day photos

valentine's day decorations; valentine mantel decor

diy valentine decor, valentines banner on a valentine mantel decorations

I do hope our pup has been feeling the love, even though our love is now shared with another little one! There's plenty of love to go around ;)

chocolate lab photography

baby girl outdoor valentines photo

DIY valentines day decorations

And this girl..she has shown us a whole new meaning of love. Absolute unconditional love.

mommy and baby love valentines day

homemade valentines day decorations

Oh hey..check it...a chalkboard photo -- it's been too long since one of these babies ;)

valentine's day chalkboard drawing

Love, love, love....
Love is in the air around here and I hope it is for you too.

all you need is love photo

I do apologize for the way this post was thrown all around. But, point is, be sure to celebrate love..whether it's someone you love, something you love doing, or somewhere you love to be. Love is a powerful word and a wonderful thing. So let's celebrate it!

Babies Don't Keep

Charlene11 Comments
This, I need to remember.

babies dont keep poem 

My days quickly turn into nights, and my nights turn into mornings -- and I can't help but think, what am I doing every day? Where is all my time going?  Why, when I'm at home with my baby, do I not always feel like she has my 100% attention? I often wonder what else I should be doing with her.  How to make my time with her more worthwhile.

I guess it's more of simply learning to be a Mom. Not just a wife. Between the constant tidying up the kitchen, pumping, cleaning the pump supplies, keeping things in the house put away nicely, putting in laundry, etc. and well, trying to find time for a shower and such -- I find that my husband comes home from work and while the house is usually clean, I wonder what I've done with all those hours he was gone. It's all that 'stuff' that fills my time..that no-fun-kinda-stuff. I even find myself skipping meals on the regular because 'stuff' must be done. No time for my shows, no time to craft, sew, or decorate my chalkboard. And of course, that's worth it for my girl! But if I'm finding little time for her, That. Must. Change! And I'm lucky to have a husband who agrees, yet I still don't make it happen.

Note to self:
That cup on the coffee table your husband left there last night? It doesn't have to be put away RIGHT NOW.

The pillows on the couch that are tossed all around? Those can be fluffed and tucked nicely in their respective spots another time.

The couch blankets can be folded later.

I've got a baby to cuddle! And sing to! And read to! And love on :)


And let's be honest, I'm not even a neat freak by any means! I do already take my sweet old time putting laundry away and cleaning the floors in the house! Yet still, I find myself always having 'stuff' to do around the house and less time for her.

In between the many breaks of writing this post (I did start this last night when baby was sleeping) -- I went to clean the pump stuff and somehow started dusting the house. Guess I haven't listened very well!

My baby is only this little once. She will only lay on my chest for so long before she starts crawling away. She will only cat nap in my arms for so long, or sit in my lap without fussing to go play with something else for so long.


While there is always stuff to be done around the house, and I will get to it at some point (promise not to let the house go and end up on 'Hoarders'), I need to take a step back and make that some point a little less often.

The mess will still be there tomorrow! But that sweet little baby who loves being cuddled, sung to and read to -- she's all mine for now!

So quiet down cobwebs,
dust go to sleep..
I'm rocking my baby,
cause babies don't keep.