Happy FIRST Birthday, my sweet little love!

Charlene5 Comments
We were laying, cuddling, laughing and playing on a cloud of white down blankets yesterday morning -- just baby girl and I. We were in a hotel room, waiting on Daddy who was out on a residency interview. Now and Then was on - and lawdy do I love that movie - as I contemplated ordering room service breakfast (but did not! I remembered we are not rich). I was happy as can be while playing airplane with my sweet daughter, fully aware in that moment that it was the last day she was still under one year old. That was my ah-ha moment.

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My still seemingly brand new (to me) baby girl is turning one tomorrow, I thought. And I watched her pretty little face as she laughed and giggled while flashing sweet toothy smiles. I was loving every moment of playing with her (as always), and while watching that adorable little face, I flashed back to the day she was born at the hospital... To the moments when I had no idea what one year from then would look like. And this was it right in front of me, begging for more and more action from me, while I scooped her up into my arms to hug her wiggly, laughing self to tell her "Happy early Birthday, sweet girl!"

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Mommy and Daddy built her a teepee for her birthday. A teepee to read in, to cuddle in, and to squeeze under as a little family to make memories in.


She's found her happy spot in that teepee and it makes us happy. Last night, after a looong time in the car, this momma was more tired than I even knew. I fell asleep in the teepee while J and I were reading to her, under a glistening light hung neatly above us in it. In my jeans and all. And I stayed fast asleep - while Daddy put E to sleep in her crib, took a shower, put a blanket on me, and left us peacefully in her room with the crashing waves white noise in the background. I had no idea of any of this until I peeked an eye open in the middle of the night, when it was just about to start turning light out. I realized where I was and smiled (or smiled in my head - as I was too tired to do anything!) I took note of the handmade quilt my husband must have placed on me and rolled back over to sleep right next to my birthday girl's crib. As much as I would have loved to be in my own bed after a hotel stay and long car ride, I was happy to be sleeping in that happy spot so close to Baby E. Shortly after I heard her waking up, I saw her stand up so I popped over to whisper hi to my birthday girl.

I picked up her grinning self and held her close while I quietly sang 'Happy Birthday' to her before bringing her in the teepee to nurse her and go back to sleep together. In an instant before falling asleep, I flashed back to the day I met her in my arms one year ago today.


That teepee already did it's job. It's already given me an amazing memory with her, completely unplanned yet completely loved.


Once we woke up, I brought her into our room so we could see Daddy. We laid in bed while I pulled up her birth story to see pictures and remember this day one year ago.

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Mommy and Daddy took baby girl out today. We were very lucky to be able to spend it all together. Brought her to the Wow Factory and we played our hearts out and I freakin sprained an ankle in the toddler area playing a bit too hard. They had a sign posted up in there.."The greatest gift you can ever give your child is your time." Heck yes to that.

We brought her to Chik-Fil-A to eat A (singular) chicken nugget (but she DID eat a chicken nugget - woohoo!) and we let her indulge in an ice cream cone before playing a little more.

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Her cousins and Grandma came over to sing her very first 'Happy Birthday' cake song to her. She wasn't so sure about it, but there weren't tears and she ate a few bites of an ice cream cake, so success in my book.


Our teepee loving birthday girl is very excited to see her family and friends this weekend to celebrate some more.


I still can't believe it's been a year since I met her in my arms. I still can't believe she has been the biggest part of our lives and giving us the best cuddles, laughs, and love for a whole year already. I still can't get over that she is a mixture of J - the man I love so much - and I....and that we have a little piece of us to love for the rest of our lives.

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We are continuously thankful for God bringing this beautiful child to us and we wish our sweet girl a very Happy First Birthday from the bottom of our very full hearts!

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We love you baby, let your life always take you 'Up'!