Happy FIRST Father's Day!

Charlene1 Comment

I have been in love with my husband since freshman year of high school and it is true that I love almost everything about him! You know, there are the nasty manly ways he goes about certain things a few things here and there that I can't quite always say I LOVE, but putting that aside, he really is great. And marrying him 2 years ago (on June 18, 2011) made me the happiest woman in the world. I truly am lucky I'm in love with my best friend.

And well, with all the incredible feelings of love that come along with your wedding day and marriage, it's hard to believe that that love can be even more intensified than those moments. But seeing my husband with our child -- our sweet baby girl, our little bundle of love -- makes me fall even more in love with him over and over again. If only we could all have Daddy's like him ;)

I still thank God for bringing him to me and for bringing our baby to both of us.



He works his butt off in the process of becoming a doctor to do all he can for his little family. Even if that means being away from us sometimes. Just makes reunions that much better!

He loves his baby girl, and she loves him.


He teaches her all that she needs (and doesn't need) to know.


And brings her to the places she must visit in her lifetime (like Hamburger Construction in OC!)


I could go on and on, but I'm simply going to leave here with expressing how thankful and happy I am to have him as my husband and the father of our child.


Happy First Father's Day, Baby E's Daddy!



Also wanted to give a very special Happy Father's Day shout out to all the fathers in our lives! To Uncle Tom who took me in, walked me down the aisle, and always treated me the way a father should..Thank you! And to my father-in-law, who is always there to help us, guide us, and show J the ropes of all it takes to be a great father! Thank you to both of you, as well as all the men in both of our families who have helped guide us in one way or another! Happy, Happy Father's Day!