simply enjoying

Charlene13 Comments
Amidst the chaotic details of everyday life, I'm loving the chance to kick back and simply just enjoy living in the now. Just simply enjoying my (busy) husband, my beautiful baby, my playful pup, our great friends, and everything in between. The calming scent of candles nestled in the perfectly dim lit living room call for just my kind of night -- even if they only happen few and far between.  The wide open windows welcoming fresh air and that 'feel-good' scent of freshly laundered clothes call for just my kind of day -- again, even if they only happen few and far between. When I stop to truly just enjoy simple pleasures like this, it makes everything else in life that much better.

mommy and baby at the park

picnic basket in the park

The sound of my girl's soft cries seriously sound like music to my ears at times. It reminds me just how blessed I am to have her here. And my soaking wet pants after getting peed on by her before a bath -- well that's okay because I know my baby is about to love every moment of her warm bath, and following that, a yummy smelling cuddly baby, and soon after that, freshly laundered jeans, of course.  And when we realize at 8pm that we've accidentally skipped dinner, well it's no big deal because we'll just find something quick to eat in the house (like a fluffernutter!) and that gives us more time to just be. And just enjoy. Days where I'm able to just kick back and think like this -- oh they are wonderful. (...and don't we wish we could all think like this every day?! Easier said than done, yes, but oh so wonderful when they happen!)

baby girl in owl hat

I've been enjoying: Days at the park, Bachelor night with friends, watching my husband solve his Rubik's cube over and over again (because he can* after years of having it), reading to my girl and teaching her things I shouldn't be teaching her for another 4 years because she has no clue what I'm talking about, after dinner milkshakes, DIY projects, doing a little photography research so I can hopefully one day master the art, Blue Moons with a fresh orange slice, the fact that I'm able to pump while blogging right now thanks to the hands-free pumping bra that Baby E got me for Christmas, homemade chicken fried rice, day dreaming about all the future DIY projects I'd love to tackle, watching Grizz let himself in and out of the house to bask in the sun (mostly out, he still hasn't mastered the getting back in thing),  and I think the thing I've been enjoying most are my mid-morning naps on the couch cuddling with Baby E + 2 homemade blankets (1 new and 1 old).
*thanks to internet tutorials

picnic in the park photo

baby boy on blanket in the park for a picnic

blue moon on a picnic

boy playing soccer in the park photography

mom and baby photography

It's all about the little things, lately. As I've said before, the little things take me far.

baby owl hat

boy sitting in the park photography

baby toms on a picnic

mommy holding baby in the park photo

friends and dog having a picnic in the park

A picnic in the park on a Sunday? Yes, please!

baby sleeping in the moby wrap

Me = Simply enjoying! For now, at least :)

Baby girl went to sleep at 8:30 tonight and I may be setting myself up for a rough night after this happy happy joy joy post, but hey, if a rough night follows a few wondrous days, I'm okay with that!

What is it that you've been enjoying lately? Take the time to ponder that ;)

mom and baby photography