maternity photos!

Charlene6 Comments
I'm officially 32 weeks, 4 days -- chalkboard post coming soon!

We spent this past weekend in South Florida celebrating with family and friends who threw us an amazing baby shower. My sister did such a wonderful job putting everything together and showed off her creative side {or not-so-creative side, as she swears!} Now we know what she's capable of -- so we will always have high expectations of her :) Thank you to everyone who took part in making my/our day so special - I know there were lots of you involved! We are always happy being around family and this weekend was a great excuse to get together and spend quality time :) A shower post is sure to come too!

Fall is certainly inching closer -- it becomes official this Saturday! But that didn't stop me from sitting out back this morning while pup played in the yard. A cool breeze, a playful pup, and a curious butterfly started off my morning right :)

butterfly photograph


The weekend before last was spent in Tallahassee. Our good friend, Dana, took some beautiful maternity photos for us and we will be hanging one or two in the nursery. Now we'll always be able to remember this special time in our lives as we await the arrival of our precious baby girl.

Photos taken by Dana Nicole Photography {like her page!}
Edited by yours truly :)

maternity photo props

maternity photo pose arms locking around belly; unique maternity pose

maternity photo pose ideas; maternity photo prop ideas

maternity photo with ribbon around belly

maternity photo prop pose; kissing maternity pictures

maternity photo side belly shot

unique maternity pose ideas; maternity photos in garden park; fall maternity photo ideas

maternity pose with mommy and daddy

Being pregnant has been an absolute blessing and we have been so thankful for this joyous time. It's about creating a miracle, and I love having that little miracle growing in my belly. It has not been one of those 'easy, breezy, worry free' pregnancies and more will come on this later, but it has been a blessing every day to wake up and feel our little creation, a piece of both my husband and I, wiggling around in my belly. I am enjoying this time to the fullest until our baby girl gets here and we get to lay our eyes on her and give her all the love we have to give.

maternity photo pose idea

"Enjoy your freedom --
Shake the pregnancy blahs
by enjoying your last weeks of pre-baby freedom.
Do all the things you probably won't have time for -
movies, facials, romantic dinners with your mate -
once your little one is here."

Thought this was a great piece of advice I read. I know she will be worth every ounce of lost sleep and exhaustion (because her smiles and coos will make up for all of it), but until then, I will try my hardest to make the most of and enjoy these last couple weeks as just husband and wife!