31 weeks! {& Seminole Football}

Charlene9 Comments
I drew this chalkboard update on Thursday, the day I hit 31 weeks, and I decided to go for a little Seminole theme being that football season has officially begun! As it turned out, we woke up Friday and decided to take a little trip to Tallahassee once J got off work that evening. Spontaneous trips are the best. Let's recall here just so you know how much I enjoy spontaneous activities :) And on top of spontaneous activities, let's recall here just so you know how much we enjoy Tallahassee! So if you were wondering, yes, we had a great weekend!


On to the update, then back to the weekend! My preggo brain will have you jumping all around.

Oh, and if you didn't think preggo brain was a real thing...then just hang around me and you'll see that it is. Gosh, have I become ridiculously forgetful and somewhat absent-minded!

31 weeks!
31 weeks pregnancy chalkboard tracker; littlebabygarvin chalkboard inspired pregnancy updates

And it was a SEMINOLE WIN!
(Actually, make that a Seminole blowout)
Oh, and if you think I look tired here, it's just because the sun was making me all squinty-eyed..I was good to go :)

  • How far along?: 31 weeks, 4 days
  • Baby is the size of a: Pineapple!
  • Total weight gain/loss: +17
  • The Bump: Getting bigger by the moment. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so we'll see how it's measuring!
  • Symptoms: Still the crazy heart rate. Doctor says if we can get my hemoglobin levels where they should be (by taking the iron pill), it can calm my heart rate a little. I have higher-than-average pulse while not pregnant, though, so this even higher-than-usual heart rate will probably last throughout pregnancy for me. It certainly alters my daily schedule, though, but I can't really complain since I don't have too much going on.
  • Food Cravings: Well I had some of our favorite Tallahassee cuisine! Mr. Roboto's and Bagel Bagel - you are delicious!!
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Between the beta blocker, iron pill, and prenatal vitamins I take, I'm bound to feel queasy at some point each day...but I get by just fine!
  • Sleep: I think I jinxed it last week! I'm back to waking up super early...boooring!
  • What I miss: Well this weekend was a rather different football experience with the whole no drinking thing! A beer or two or three would have been nice, but it's worth it for our baby girl :)
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On..they were SUPER tight over the weekend..like TOO tight. So I took them off and put on my Grandma's ring which is one size up. But then after relaxing, that ring got a little too loose and I'm back to my rings. I'm sure this process will go on up until delivery!
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender: Baby Barr is a girl! :)
  • Movement: I think it's so funny when I see my belly completely lopsided and moving around. It actually makes me laugh out loud sometimes watching it..yes I LOL to myself sometimes!
  • Maternity Clothes: Same as last week..I wear a few things but still squeezing into some of my non-maternity clothes.
  • Labor Signs: N/A
  • Best Moment of the Week: Taking some maternity pics to remember the baby girl belly :) Going to Tallahassee and visiting with friends and eating delicious food (let's face it..the real reason we go to Tally!) The walk around the neighborhood tonight with the husband and pup was also wonderful as the weather was gorgeous! And of course, baby jabs/pokes/kicks..even the ones that make me jump!
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Seeing FAMILY and friends and celebrating with them! And then just coming back to wait on baby girl! (AND decorate for FALL! Oh, how I LOVE that time of year!!)


Fall is just slightly in the air. It's coming - I know it! And fall is my favoriteeee. Well, one of my many favorites! Crock pot meals are coming, along with great shows, great decorations, a fabulous fall weather feel, pumpkin spiced candles, windows open, and this year -- a baby girl! If you know me, you'll be surprised to hear I have not rummaged through our junk to bust out the fall decorations yet. Recall last September? I started early then! I'll get there :)


Visiting with old friends is the best. Especially when you can go months without seeing each other, and sit down at the table with them to pick right back up where we left off -- which is usually somewhere inappropriate that isn't worth sharing on here ;) Dana and Dave are our old drinking buddies that we didn't do much without in Tallahassee. "From beer to breast milk" just may have been the theme of the weekend. We're used to passing beers to each other as each person made their way to the fridge, but this time, there was breast milk passed. What a guy J is to offer to get the breast milk for an ol' pal! Haha...and, well, it quickly reminded us all just how old we are getting. Or rather, how much we are growing up, because I wouldn't quite consider us "old" yet ;) Although we did have talks about water heaters, ceiling fans, and cribs...oh my! Tallahassee days may be a little different now, but it certainly doesn't change how much we love going there!

florida state football home game 2012

Football games are a slightly different experience at nearly 8 months pregnant, but a game is a game..and for that, I was happy to just BE there! Plus, it doesn't hurt to get a little special treatment at the games. Getting front row parking at the stadium and sitting atop the patio overlooking Doak Campbell Stadium with my feet up on the railing was just what I needed to curb that swelling! (Seriously.)

doak campbell stadium patio

And now we can tell baby girl she made it to a football game before she was even born. Let's hope she get's to enjoy many home games to come with her mommy and daddy and some pretty sweet tailgating!

seminole chief



Thanks to Dana for the photoshoot {previews coming soon!}
Thanks to the DiSalvo's for the wonderful hospitality!
And thanks to Tallahassee for another great weekend spent there!