25 weeks! + Nursery Inspiration

Charlene17 Comments
Well I've been back in Georgia for 4 days now, trying to settle into our new home. There is so much to be done, unpacked, and organized, and it's a bit overwhelming with J working such long days (and everyday!) I am so, so thankful that he and my in-laws moved us in without me, unloaded all the heavy furniture, organized our kitchen, etc. Such a wonderful thing to walk into. But of course, there is still more to do. And now it's my turn! I guess now is the part where trying to make our house a home sets in. Organizing, unpacking the little things, and then decorating is my part. The wall colors in this house just don't fit my vision of what I'd like for our home, so I've got to adjust and work with what I have!

Am I loving the area? Let's just say, not yet. But hoping I will get there! It also doesn't help that I've spent the summer in Florida - Orlando, Tampa, and the past 3 weeks in South Florida, where there is an abundance of activities and so much going on all around. I've gotta learn to live life in the slow lane here - as I've noticed anyone I call, from service/utility companies to doctor's offices, they like to take their time! No hustle and bustle here. I've also gotta learn to live with the fact that my damn phone just doesn't work here. And that, my friends, is a hard one to live with! While I get bored quickly here and would love to talk to my sister, mom, cousins, etc., it's just not happening with a dropped call every 2.5 seconds. We'll have to figure that one out ;) And once I'm settled in and all organized, I will get back into my crafting and photography and be all set..I mean, there is a Hobby Lobby here, so there's really no room for complaints! High-Five to Hobby Lobby!

Sorry about the lack of updating the past couple weeks. Things were rough there for a little :( But oh so much has changed with the belly and the baby, as she is moving like crazy and I'm loving every moment of it. Here ya go...!

25 weeks
25 weeks pregnant chalkboard tracker, 25 weeks littlebabygarvin inspired chalkboard, littlebabygarvin chalkboard drawings inspiration

  • How far along?: 25 weeks, 5 days
  • Baby is the size of an: Eggplant
  • Total weight gain/loss: +15
  • The Bump: I've noticed a huge growth spurt in the past couple weeks...I still try to squeeze between small spaces and I'm realizing it's not working so well anymore!
  • Symptoms: Well I've had some swelling in my feet unfortunately, but that was after the 7 hour car ride back up here and the few days following - so I think I just needed to stretch more and move around. And that whole pregnancy brain thing...gosh I normally remember and think of everything and well, that's just all out the window now!
  • Food Cravings: Haven't had any "cravings" really, but while in South Florida the past couple weeks, I indulged in more than I should have (as you can see from the board!) Now I'm back in my own home and trying to get into a routine and eating better.
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Don't think so..luckily!
  • Sleep: I usually wake up a few times throughout the night. And I wake up really early (It's so much easier to wake up early when you don't have to go to work...why is that?) But I'll stay up for a little and usually go back to sleep.
  • What I miss: Aside from Aunt Kathy? ;( Being that it is pretty ding dang dong boring here, it'd be nice to be able to go out for a beer, but I'm really not missing that all that much. I'd prefer a fat Publix sub over a beer right about now.
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender: Baby Barr is a girl! :)
  • Movement: Wow, the past couple weeks, she has taken off. Dance parties in my belly like crazy! Kicks, kicks, and other stuff I couldn't even tell ya what she's doing in there. Daddy and most of my family got to feel her kicking from the outside, and now when I lay down, you can see her kicking and my belly moving. It's weird, but I love it!
  • Maternity Clothes: Shirts, yes. Although, this is a regular shirt in the chalkboard pic today. Most of my shirts are way too short - my belly pops out! So those are a no go these days.
  • Labor Signs: N/A
  • Best Moment of the Week: Daddy feeling her kicks and us just laying down seeing her quick jolts from the outside.
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Starting to think more about the baby's room and how to make my vision come to life (with these brown/tan walls in her room that do not fit my vision!) Vision below:

My nursery visions are filled with light gray walls with white furniture and pops of teal, yellow, and coral accents + plenty of sunshine. If I were living here for longer than 11 more months, I would absolutely make that vision come to life. But people, help me cope here! Lol ;) The walls are a darker tan with a dark brown accent wall, and a tiny window not allowing much light in. So it's a pretty dark and dreary room. Not to mention, the furniture I have for the room is currently black and needs to be painted. I already bought the supplies/paint for it, but then realized every warning says not to paint while pregnant. Err. I will figure this one out! It may not be the nursery of my dreams, but I know myself, and I know I'll make it work just fine! And I'm excited to do so. Take a look at my nursery inspiration photos.

bright and cheery nursery, teal yellow coral nursery
pink and gray baby nursery
yellow gray teal nursery inspiration
gray walls with pops of color nursery

Pretty, huh?! While I know I have the power to make my vision come to life...take note: I'm workin' with what I have and will do my best! So don't expect the quality of these rooms haha ;)