16 weeks! Boy or Girl?!

Charlene3 Comments
This week flew by! Between packing the house, finishing work, J taking his boards, finding out the sex, getting a new car, the sister-in-law visiting, and getting ready for Ocean City tomorrow, I've been a bit preoccupied! Luckily, we actually saw people this weekend, and went out for brunch AND dinner -- somewhat of a 'normal' lifestyle for us -- woohoo! Still no luck finding a place to live in Warner Robins, though. We leave for Orlando in a week and a half, and then to Warner Robins in early July. We'll find something -- I'm not stressing yet.

Baby B gets to travel with me to a place she (yes, I said she!) will become very familiar with and will grow to love -- OCEAN CITY!! A place where her daddy grew up going and loving every moment of. Let's hope for great weather and lots of fun and relaxation!


16 weeks
16 weeks pregnant little baby garvin inspired chalkboard; pregnancy chalkboard tracker
  • How far along?: 16 weeks, 5 days
  • Baby is the size of a: Avocado
  • Total weight gain/loss: +6 (I lost a few last week and gained a few back)
  • The Bump: I'm at that 'in between' stage of "hmm..is that girl pregnant or is she just fat?" ;)
  • Symptoms: Just TIREDDD in the afternoons still.
  • Food Cravings: Nada. It's more like what can I find to eat that I am actually in the mood for..?
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope.
  • Sleep: Like I said, I have been tired in the afternoons and have taken longgg naps. Except for those times at 4:30am when I'm wide awake and can't fall back asleep. The good shows don't start until 7am either...so those hours are boringgg for me! Saved By The Bell should start around 5am..just sayin!
  • What I miss: I haven't been tempted by alcohol much lately, so I hadn't missed that....until this weekend. Hanging out in the Virginia Highlands area of Atlanta while seeing everyone with their deliciously cold beers made me want a sip..or two. I really was fine, but it's usually once I see an orange slice propped nicely on a frosty glass filled with Blue Moon that I think, hmm..I could go for one of those!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender Prediction: This momma was right!! BABY BARR IS A GIRL! I just had that feeling since we found out. I also read a study that showed 80% of mother's intuition are correct if they had no preference as to what the gender was. If the mother had a preference of boy or girl, her intuition was only correct 20% of the time. That study was pushing my thought of the baby being a girl even further! It only took an extra 20 minutes and a few jumping jacks to see what Baby Barr is due to her not wanting to move those legs ;)
  • Movement: Felt a few flutters before but not since then. We saw her moving around on the screen-- just not feeling it myself too much yet!
  • Maternity Clothes: I've worn a few things. Erica just gave me a bag full so I should be good for a little while!
  • Labor Signs: None.
  • Best Moment of the Week: Seeing our little girl on the ultrasound screen and getting to know her gender! It makes it seem so different actually knowing and being able to call her by her name and picture how things will be. We also got to hear her heartbeat and take a few pictures home. We love her :)
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Feeling Baby B move! And going to Ocean City to relaxxxx!!

And thanks to Aunt Maggie for our beautiful flowers!
pregnancy flowers baby girl