15 weeks!

Charlene5 Comments
And now, we are caught up. :)

15 weeks
15 weeks pregnany little baby garvin inspired chalkboard, is baby a boy or girl

  • How far along?: 15 weeks, 5 days
  • Baby is the size of a: Navel Orange.
  • Total weight gain/loss: +6
  • The Bump: Shows in tighter shirts these days!
  • Symptoms: Just getting very tired in the afternoons. A few days, I have come home and taken naps lasting a few hours.
  • Food Cravings: Not really any.
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope.
  • Sleep: Progesterone knocks me out at night. And getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom has returned already. Well, that only lasted a week of not getting up!
  • What I miss: While I'd love a Publix Sub every so often, I'm really okay without them so far. So not a whole lot! But, Carly and her mom were sampling Margaritas and Pina Coladas at the new movie tavern the other night and I would have loved to sample some myself, instead of judging how they tasted by their faces!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender Prediction: I have felt as though it's a girl since the beginning..but most people in the family are guessing boy. I really have no idea! And I can't even decide on which I would rather..I think I'll be equally happy with either! But yes, I'm predicting girl. James and family predict boy. Who's going to be right?!
  • Movement: I've felt flutters in my belly for the past 2 days...but not sure if it's the baby or what..?!
  • Maternity Clothes: Just the same I bought last week. I've worn the capri's a couple times. I feel so funny in them, but really don't think anyone can tell that they're maternity. Luckily I'll be able to wear dresses over the summer...even though I probably won't love the way they look on me!
  • Labor Signs: None.
  • Best Moment of the Week: Listening to baby's heart beat...and those flutters in my belly..although, like I said..no idea if it's definitely the baby! One can hope :)
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Well if all goes well, we should find out the gender of the baby very soon! Ahh. And confirming whether or not I'm feeling the baby move..I'm ready for those pesky kicks :) AND GOOD LUCK to Daddy on Step 1 of the boards in a few days!!!
I'm taking gender predictions! What do you think Baby B is?!