18 weeks

Charlene4 Comments
Well, sorry about skipping week 17, but Baby Barr and myself were taking a nice, relaxing vacation before a not-so-nice, stressful move ;) We hopped on the plane, alongside Carly, and jetted to Ocean City, New Jersey. Yes, it's the Jersey Shore, and NO it is nothing like the show you've seen! No drinking or fist-pumping here, folks. It's considered America's Greatest Family Resort. So of course, J and I are thrilled about being able to take our growing family there next time. J met us in OC for the last 3 days we were there, after finishing his 2 board exams. HALLELUJAH...Step 1 of the boards are dunzo! The trip was wonderful and just what we needed. Morning bike rides on the boardwalk, tons of mini golf, delicious treats, days spent on the beach, a trip to Atlantic City to win a little moolah, and so much more! Baby girl's mommy and daddy even bought her her first piece of clothing -- an Ocean City dress :)

Coming home was the hard part. Not just because that signaled the end of a vacation, but because that meant packing up our entire house into a POD sitting in our driveway, cleaning the whole house, and heading out for a long drive. Moving s.u.c.k.s! And who knew we had so much crap? Now, we are living in an extended stay for a month in Orlando-- J, myself + baby B, and Grizz -- a whole month to get even closer in our lil studio! This whole med school thing is quite the adventure, and this is just another part of that little adventure. We'll sure have tons of memories. J had his first day in the hospital yesterday and after dressing up and walking out the door with his doctor bag and white coat, his wife, baby, and pup were proud proud people!

More on the vacation and move in other posts, though :) But before moving on to our 18 week update, let me say a big fat thank you to brotha Bill, Brian, Ugo, Randy, Dave, and Charanjeet for being big strong men and helping us get all our big crap out of the house! And a big fat thank you to Carly for helping me clean and pack and everything else that, without your help, I think we would have taken an entire extra day to move! Our GA friends are amazingggg - plain and simple! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And Happy Birthday (yesterday) mother!


18 weeks!
18 weeks belly, 18 week pregnancy update
Sorry for the lack of chalkboard picture -- moving takes up a crapload of time! 19 week chalkboard drawing and picture to come in a few days :)

  • How far along?: 18 weeks, 5 days
  • Baby is the size of a: Sweet Potato
  • Total weight gain/loss: +7 give or take a few..?
  • The Bump: I'm still at that 'in between' stage of "hmm..is that girl pregnant or is she just fat?" But it is growing and hardening.
  • Symptoms: Little bit of round ligament pain that shoots ..other than that none really.
  • Food Cravings: I guess nothing really...and that's pretty boring to my husband! He's wanting me to have cravings...most likely just so he can eat whatever it is I want too ;)
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope. Felt nauseous after leaving the doctor's the other day..not sure if it was due to the blood work or what..but I was good after that!
  • Sleep: Well I haven't been as tired as I was around 15-16 weeks, and I've definitely been able to sleep in more unlike the days I was waking up at 4:30 often..but I think that's just because I've been so busy and on the go lately.
  • What I miss: Nothing really
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender: Baby Barr is a girl! :)
  • Movement: I'm not quite sure on this one! Sometimes I think I feel some faint 'pokes' or something..but I can't be too sure...
  • Maternity Clothes: Wearing mostly regular clothes still. I'm noticing my shirts becoming shorter and shorter. And tighter and tighter. I have worn a few maternity clothes..they're comfier than they look that's for sure!
  • Labor Signs: None.
  • Best Moment of the Week: Had the "big" ultrasound that isn't supposed to take place until 20 weeks. We had it a little early due to the move, but it is always amazing seeing her on the screen. She gets bigger and bigger every time and it excites us more and more every time! She was waving those arms like crazy :)
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Feeling baby girl move lots :) And for Daddy to feel her too! And another thing I am excited about...J is now in the hospital from about 8-5, but when he comes home, he doesn't have to study!!! It was cuh-razy spending the evening with him last night and eating dinner and relaxing...how normal!

And I'll leave you with a special picture of baby girl :)

18 week ultrasound picture