lessons learned

Charlene1 Comment
Taking a stroll down memory lane is where you could have found me last week. Where is that old familiar street we call memory lane? For everyone, it's some place different. For me, it's in Coral Springs. I was born in Coral Springs, and while I moved around other areas of Florida for parts of my childhood, my strong, bold memories that make me feel right at home are in Coral Springs.

florida palm trees

Yes, I go there somewhat often, but this time it was different. Playing mom to Tyler and Talan while Heather and John were on vacation brought back nostalgic feelings and childhood familiarity. It forced me to venture outside the 'normal' things we usually do when we go back home now as adults. And it was awesome.

Hello Mullins Park, Cypress Park, elementary school halls, car loops, sports games, concession stands, multiple trips to the icee shop, Lion King on repeat. Oh, and hello childhood.

Mullins Park Soccer Fields
This is the very spot I spent hours upon hours playing Soccer at. I literally haven't been here in YEARS.

Being a 'mom' was fun, tiring, cute, and hectic - all wrapped up into one, giving me a very small glimpse of life to come (but not yet, people!) Lessons learned on this follow shortly...

smollett boy's
Gotta love being in Florida...where people represent my school :)

I got to spend time with those who matter most in South Florida. My mom was even down at the same time I was :) and I got in a breakfast with my mother-in-law (somewhere different from Bageland...*gasp*)

We hit up all my favorite spots and then some. We spent all day Saturday at the fields..one sporting event after another. First was Talan's flag football game, followed by his trophy ceremony.
coral springs flag football

Go #42!!!

He was proud running out on the field..and we were all on the sidelines cheering for him, including the cutest little cheerleader there - Arianna!

And Talan was especially proud of his trophy.
coral springs flag football trophies

See how proud...it even got buckled in with him. "Well, I don't want him to get arrested!"

flag football trophy

mom, aunt, baby

It was a B.E.A.utiful day! Sunny and 70's - my favorite. The boys (obviously) begged for slushies after - and well, being that they were my FAVORITE thing to get at Mullins Park as a kid, they didn't have to beg very hard! Uncle Tom bought us slushies - for old times sake!
Mullins Park Coral Springs

Moving right along..we traveled on to the next park - Cypress Park - to watch Johny's game. Many days conditioning for lacrosse here! And that's when I realized - how did I take advantage of palm tree-lined fields that anybody would beg to play on? Everyday we'd be out on these fields, not even taking note of how beautiful they were. And now, being away from Florida, I couldn't help but notice (and take pictures of) the gorgeous palm fronds swaying in the breeze while glowing in sunshine. Ahh...
Florida Palm Trees
Florida Palm Trees.

Anyway, back to the real reason we were there...
Cypress Park Coral Springs
(sorry, just had to sneak one more palm tree pic in there!)

Johny (McThomas) had a baseball game (well 3) so the family was there to watch.
family watching game

I seriously can't believe how grown up Johny is these days. He was the first baby out of all the grandkids..just a baby! And how he's a handsome little man (with some seriously long hair for himself!)
coconut creek hawks

Following that was a family lunch at Bru's...where the kids hit the jack pot.

And the very last night, we all snuck in some 'breakfast for dinner' at the Coral Springs Diner.
coral springs diner

It was wonderful!


While I jam-packed (as always) some seriously fun events in, the real reason I was there which was on my mind throughout all these events, was to play Mom to these kids. With that being said, the kids were great and I got them everywhere they needed to be on time, all cool, calm and collected. But it didn't go without a few minor mishaps, all which will be noted on my 'need to work on before becoming a real mom' list...

Lessons learned:

1. Do not bring kids grocery shopping.
I mean, I've seen it on TV and have heard it before..but I learned this one first hand! We went in for a quick trip to buy ingredients for tacos. Psh..like that can really happen with kids?! "oooh, cookies!" "ahhh, gatorade!" (while the other casually slips a 6 pack of yogurt & sprinkles into the basket) "oh, I need this candy!" -"but you have bowls of Halloween candy at home" - "but not this kind!"...etc, etc. Cute kids, haha, but the stories I hear from people are true :)

2. Don't let the kids out in school clothes.
pasquale's pizza
Now this one was a given. Heather even told me. But there was one day, Friday, where the excitement of the weekend got the best of me. Before I knew it, we were out to eat, still in school clothes. Oops. Now I know why there are such things as 'play clothes.' They were filthy. I'm sure Heather has good enough Mom skills to clean them up :)

3. Wake up early.
getting ready for school
They've already got this one down. It's me who doesn't. I learned that waking up with plenty of time left to spare really is worth it! That extra 1/2 hour of sleep probably isn't. It was so pleasant having time to relax without being rushed while eating breakfast, brushing teeth, and even having time to cuddle up on the couch for a little bit of cartoon time.

4. Use sunscreen. DUH! Where was that bright idea the morning before spending time at the fields? That's definitely a mom trait I'll need to pin down. But hey, he seemed happy despite his sweet red V-neck tan.

Oh yeah, and probably shouldn't let a kindergartener and first grader brush their teeth in the bathroom together as this will cause them to play around, and ultimately, someone getting hurt. (Younger brother, of course. That's where the scrape on the nose comes in)

5. When a kid throws a fit to get their way and you know they're wrong, prepare for back-up.
Before going to the fields, I told Tyler to put his shoes on. He wanted sandals. He said he always wears them, he wanted nothing to do with the shoes, etc. Well, okay, then wear the sandals, what do I care?! (This is where a mom would know to bring the shoes anyway, duh.) When he got bored of standing around with me and wanted to run around and play, his sandals were holding him back. He got mopey.

But, Grandpa to the rescue!
"Come on, Tyler, let's go get you some shoes."

Uncle Tom and Tyler

And this is where he probably got the "you know, adults are always right" lecture :)

Clearly, I have a few things to learn, but I think it all eventually comes naturally or through trial-and-error throughout motherhood. Aside from these mishaps, the rest was great. I had fun with the boys, and they had fun too. And they were well taken care of..that's all that matters at the end of the day :)


And I'll leave you with a few of the things I love about Florida (aside from all those palm trees, of course)

Wings Plus, yum!
Wings Plus Coral Springs

Italian Ices..only at this shop, which also happened to be my first job at 16!
Cecilie's gourmet italian ices coral springs

Florida houses and landscaping..beautiful!
Florida houses and landscape

Family time..nothing beats it!
family time
family time


I loved having this trip to remind me of the little things in life that matter. Remembering where you came from and why you love it in the first place is wonderful. Looking back, I don't know how I ever complained about the area and how there was 'nothing to do'. There's plenty, you just have to find it and appreciate it. So many lessons learned, and so many more to come.

Until next time, Florida....