just a walk in the park

Charlene2 Comments
fall porch

Every time I meet someone new and they ask 'so what brings you to Georgia?' my response is always the same. 'Well, my husband is in med school, so we moved here from Florida last su...' and then, I'm pretty much always cut off. 'Med school? Wowww!...' in that I'm-jealous-you're-gonna-be-rich-really-soon tone. Most of the time, I just go with it. There are the occasional times I speak my piece on how I feel about that. The tens of thousands of dollars paid in tuition each year -- well, it sucks...and the fact that he doesn't make any money throughout the whole process -- well, that sucks, too. (Oh yeah, I've also been given the stink eye a few times when people hear that my husband doesn't work while in med school.) And, the fact that interest on these crazy beyond crazy loans racks up well before he will even begin to make money -- that sucks too. Once there is a little bit of money made, you think of the insurance that doctors have to pay for + the loans we'll begin to pay back, and we'll realize just how long it will take to get to that rich place people envy when they hear the words 'med school.'

It's a long journey ahead. Aside from the whole debt factor, there's that whole no-time-together thing. But, while all of that pops up in the back of my mind from time to time, I take each day as it comes. I know he's no where near thinking of all that stuff, because for now, he works his butt off studying as much as he can (stuff I won't ever understand) and that's enough to think about for him. I cherish each moment we have together now (because I know it's more than it will be in a few years!), and I take advantage of the time spent away from my husband by spending it with wives in the same situation as me (and love being with them!) And no, we don't have pity parties to dwell on the fact that we have very small budgets and our husbands are somewhat absent -- although, I'm not gonna lie, there was the one 'omg, none of these rotation sites sound appealing and we're all going to move away from each other' pity party -- but aside from that, we spend time laughing, talking, eating, drinking, crafting, and exchanging stories of the gross things we hear from our husbands. It's fun!

So while med school life is no walk in the park, we try to do all we can to make it seem the opposite. Like, for instance, taking walks in the park!

walk in the park
leaves silhouette

..and meeting the sun's rays with every turn we take -- which blared above the peaks of tree tops and snuck between the tall pine's branches -- while filling each other in on our daily news.

sun shine through trees

sunshine through trees

sunshine through trees

I know he's not always up for 'making the most of our time' because, well, sometimes we all just want to do nothing. And I'm fine with that.

It's just like our coasters say..
the art of doing nothing is really something


Speaking of art, you know I've been up to something. Especially since it's the week before a test. I have time to fill!

Monogrammed pumpkin and other little porch goodies..
monogram pumpkin
fall front porch
Look, it's the same 'B' from our wedding invitations :)

I ended the evening peaking into the life of an adorable, curious, and mobile 10-month old who explored her way through a jungle-gym (well, jungle-gym to her -- office to most) via Skype.
skype with niece

..and I'll spend my weekend attempting to feed Snapper (my Venus Flytrap that my boss bought me who has yet to eat a fly, but beware -- he bites!), crafting with friends, squeezing in a moment or two with my love, playing with the pup and cuddling up on the couch to watch just what I've been waiting for -- The Lion King -- it's here!!
venus flytrap

Happy weekend to you! Enjoy it :)

{tutorial coming soon for the monogrammed pumpkin}