
two years of wedded bliss

Charlene7 Comments
Two years ago from this very moment, I was waking up with butterflies in my stomach. Those same butterflies that took over my stomach on February 14, 2002 when he asked me to be his girlfriend. It was about 9 1/2 years later that I woke up ready to make him my husband.


The day was magical. The morning was filled with family, friends, laughs, six-hundred mimosas, tons of hair spray, and excitement everywhereee. The people surrounding me was the best part. Not to mention, any time I felt nervous, I just started singing Cupid Shuffle and thinking about the moment I got to do that dance three times at our wedding!

I couldn't even think about walking down the aisle. Whew, that made me insanely nervous/excited, and I actually just got those same feelings in my stomach now thinking about exactly how it felt! So, back to Cupid Shuffle my mind would wander. Thank you, Cupid, for helping me get through my wedding day without a glitch! haha

Everything about June 18, 2011 was wonderful.

Let's just let photos speak for themselves, shall we?!














coral lime wedding colors at hollywood beach marriott wedding photos

wedding reception hollywood beach marriott photos


Recapping the day always excites us. I hope everyone else has the same magical feelings about their wedding day as we do, as we were so blessed to be surrounded by an amazing group of family and friends on the day we committed our lives to each other. I love our memories and I will always cherish them.

Filled with love, happiness, beer in wine glasses to look somewhat classy, family, friends, and the beach, we couldn't be more thankful.


Last year, our first anniversary was spent in Orlando while J was on a rotation. We were expecting our first baby girl and we're just as thrilled as the year before!


Two years later, we are blessed to celebrate this day with our baby girl and our puppy.


And more importantly than our actual wedding, because after all, what really matters is the love we have for each other and the life we create together -- we are incredibly thankful to have each other and those who are always standing by supporting us. Cheers to many more. Cheers to a lifetime together. 

Cheers to our marriage, our family, and our love!

Happy 2nd Anniversary, my love!

26 & 3

Charlene7 Comments
26 years new :)

3 years since he asked me to spend the rest of our lives together :)

My 26th birthday was spent alongside my sweet baby girl, my momma, and my husband (who is away this month and wasn't supposed to be here but was!)

*Someone* needs their hair did...Reg, where ya at?!

I'm officially old. Ha. No, I'm totally not. However, 26 is 'over the hill' for your 20's!

25 was a wonderful year for me - I became a momma! And we celebrated our first wedding anniversary! I certainly have much to be thankful for and can only hope 26 will bring wonderful things our way as well.

How did I celebrate 26? Just a little Dunkin Donuts, play time with my kiddies, hanging with the momma (whom I congratulated for becoming a 4th time momma to one amazing child 26 years ago!), bothering loving the studious hubby, receiving beautiful flowers from Maggie & Trey, filling a few Etsy orders, eating a yummmy dinner at Bonefish, a few Sweetwater 420's, Carvel cake of course, and some fun little gifts. It was great.



And you know how I know I'm a big girl these days?! Nothing to do with the fact that I'm a wife, mother, etc. BUT, I drank an iced coffee AND tried a mussel today. Ha..things I don't ever do. That's some big girl status right there.


Today certainly made up for my could-have-been-better kinda day yesterday that may or may not have included going to renew my registration only to move out of state in 30 days, getting hit in the DMV parking lot right on baby girl's side right where she was sitting (she's good, no worries), missing my number at the DMV, having to rewait with another 40 people ahead of me, being told I couldn't renew it because it's registered in another county (I kissed some major ass and got it done), all the while sweating my ass off!

Spending my birthday alongside my little family today was just what I wanted.


And one other fun fact about May 1st? We got engaged on this very special day 3 years ago on 'Top of the Rock' in NYC. It was a fan-flippin-tastically beautiful day and an even more beautiful evening! I was completely surprised, taken back, thrilled, and happy/nervous/excited all at the same time and wish I could remember more from that whirlwind moment! For someone obsessed with photos and capturing moments, it's rather ironic that both of our phones AND our camera batteries were all dunzo at the time he asked me to marry him! And truthfully, I kind of like it that way!


There were no interruptions to our celebratory moments! No phone calls, no 'wait I need a picture' moments, nada. Just raw emotion and love and tears and celebrations between none other than the 2 of us in a beautiful setting with views of Central Park, the Hudson River, and the entire 360 degree NYC skyline from 70 floors above during sunset. It was over 8 years from the moment he had asked me to be his girlfriend to the moment he asked me to be his wife. And today, that was already 3 years ago! I certainly don't need photos to remember what it felt like to know we were excited to spend the rest of our lives together as husband and wife.


A celebratory day indeed! Cheers all around. And special thanks to everyone in my life who makes it so very special :) I'm surely loved and hope you all feel it right back atcha! :)

Cheers to 26..


Goodnight Moon!


First Valentine's Day {Gift Guide}

Charlene6 Comments
Valentine's Day has always been about the hubby and myself. It was in 9th grade when he asked me to be his girlfriend on Valentine's Day in 2002. This will be the 12th Valentine's Day since then. But this year, it's all about the babay, because we are both just so in love with her!

Many of you are first time momma's too with teeny tiny babies, so I'm sure you're just as excited as I am for all these 'first' holidays! I've always been a holiday lover, and now that I have a baby -- well, holidays, bring it on!!

I put together a little gift guide for all the mommas with babies who'll be encountering Cupid for the first time this year ;) It is also veryyy hard to believe it's already been a whole YEAR since I got pregnant last February..whoa, baby! But now she's here to celebrate all the love <3

I did not buy her all the gifts listed here, FYI. I may go overboard with holidays and festivities, but..not this bad! Although they are all gifts I'd love to get her, she's only getting some of these!

first valentines day gift guide

1. Valentine Baby Dress - Every baby girl needs a pretty Valentine dress, right?! Haha maybe not, but my baby does for her first V-Day <3 This was just too cute to pass up - especially with the Old Navy baby sale going on. And if you know me, you know I had coupons on top of the sale ;)

2. Emma Kate- Well this one is pretty self-explanatory. I mean, I'd be excited if there were a book named after me! I read a lot to Baby E. We probably read about 3x a day, so we've been through all her current books multiple times. Including the nursery rhyme books -- I've sang every one to her. {And I still don't understand why Yankee Doodle called the feather in his hat 'Macaroni'...? Odd.}

3. 'Daddy's Cupcake' Onesie- I was super excited to come across this one. Daddy calls her his little cupcake! 'Tis a must have :)

4. My First Valentine's Bib- Her Grandma sent her this one as a first Valentine's Day gift ;) Well, a similar one. But the one she got is reversible with little hearts on the other side <3

5. Baby Cakes -VERY cute book!! I will have fun reading this to her at night..and so will she {I think!}

6. Bright Starts Links- Well, she needed more of these. And it just so happens to be Valentine's Day this week, so that's just being thrown in as a gift. Her activity gym is a hand-me-down missing some of the lil links..she loooves to grab things these days, so we got some extras now! Very useful for toys at home, and to hang toys from her stroller and car seat.

7. Heart Onesie - Baby girls need a little more variety from their everyday PINK wardrobes. Let's branch out a little :)

8. Snuggle Puppy - A BOOK -- that is a LOVE SONG -- about a PUPPY?! Yes, please!

9. Shabby Chic Red Heart Headband - Too cute! <3

10. Wooden Heart Teether- This looks like fun

11. Skip Hop Toy Elephant- While I didn't get this for her, I think it is adorable! And the letter on it is pretty dang appropriate ;)

12. Where is Baby's Valentine?- A Valentine book for baby..pretty self explanatory!

13. Valentine Leg Warmers- These babies would call for a danggg cute photo session.

14. Valentine Jammies- Who doesn't love a pair of comfy jammies?! Only thing that would make these better is if they were a one-piece sleeper..because I am a little obsessed with those.


It turns out, she has many little Valentine's :) We are not the only ones who love her!

Baby E loves all her Valentine's <3 She told me so!

babys first valentines send out

It's February! {love is in the air}

Charlene4 Comments
Yup, LOVE is in the air around our house! This year, especially, our home is filled with more love than ever imaginable. And I love it.

valentine's day chalkboard drawing

I also love the way the sun begins to drop, creeps behind the clouds, yet still those warm golden rays find a way to sneak into our kitchen. Around 5:30pm, the light shines through our home in a strikingly beautiful way. 'Tis gorgeous!

You know what else is gorgeous? This little girl ;) We think so, at least!

baby girl valentine's day photos

Did you know that 'weaning' isn't just a term used for babies?! Yup, I'm weaning myself from sleeping during baby naps, and learning to use nap time as Mommy Time. So this week, this is just one of the projects I've done with Mommy Time.. (but don't get me wrong, I still require a morning nap some days while baby girl is sleeping..it happens!)

I certainly slacked with the Thanksgiving and Christmas decor as baby girl was brand-spanking-new and this momma was brand-spanking-tired and busy. So, I decorated for Valentine's Day. And am excited to decorate for upcoming holidays as well..St. Patrick's, Easter, etc. etc. But let's not get ahead of myself!

I got my craft on and was loving it.

homemade classic valentine's from baby

valentines day mantel decor ideas

This Valentine's Day will mark 11 years since J and I began dating. Oh, that day he asked me to be his girlfriend will forever remain in my memory! I'm so very glad he asked ;)

And Valentine's Day isn't just about loving a significant other -- I know how the single folk tend to hate on V-Day -- but it's a day to just love. Love anyone -- your friends, your family, your dog! Everybody loves somebody..so there's something to celebrate!

mommy and baby valentines day photos

valentine's day decorations; valentine mantel decor

diy valentine decor, valentines banner on a valentine mantel decorations

I do hope our pup has been feeling the love, even though our love is now shared with another little one! There's plenty of love to go around ;)

chocolate lab photography

baby girl outdoor valentines photo

DIY valentines day decorations

And this girl..she has shown us a whole new meaning of love. Absolute unconditional love.

mommy and baby love valentines day

homemade valentines day decorations

Oh hey..check it...a chalkboard photo -- it's been too long since one of these babies ;)

valentine's day chalkboard drawing

Love, love, love....
Love is in the air around here and I hope it is for you too.

all you need is love photo

I do apologize for the way this post was thrown all around. But, point is, be sure to celebrate love..whether it's someone you love, something you love doing, or somewhere you love to be. Love is a powerful word and a wonderful thing. So let's celebrate it!