Happy Mother's Day!

Charlene1 Comment
Today is a special day! It's a day to honor mothers - all mothers - the kind who are old, young, grand, you name it. I have mothers all around me - my own, my grandmother, my aunt, my soon to be mother-in-law, my sister, my cousins and my friends. We all know that mother's are special and I have been lucky enough to have multiple women in my life who are mothers - and it just so happens they have all played some sort of motherly role at one point or another to me. So here's to you ladies - Happy Mother's Day!
(Such a pretty song!)

My wonderful mom has always been there for me..always there to talk, to be a friend, and always understanding. I love her kindness and the fact that she would never hurt a soul - she sees the good in everyone and I think that's an amazing quality! I always know that talking to her can ease my worries. I think my favorite childhood memory was her rocking me in the rocking chair whenever I couldn't sleep..I miss that rocking chair! Her reliability has helped more than I could have known. When we didn't live together, she always said she'd call every night at 9 pm, and she sure did. If I needed her to call at 6am to make sure I was up, my phone would ring at 5:59am..and I'm thankful for all these things she's done for me over the years! Ask her to do something for you, and she does it - Ask for her advice, she gives it - Ask her to come be at your side, and she's there. I love you, Mom, you're the best! Thank you for always being a friend and mom to me :)

Oh, Grandma! Who knows where I would be without her?! I think we have such a different relationship than most grandchildren have with their grandparents. Somehow, I'm able to tell her so much and she is so understanding. I absolutely love having someone so wise to talk to - she knows what's best for me and tries to help me in any way she can. She has helped me transition from child to adult - not by giving me what I want/need, but by guiding me in what I want/need. She's always pushed me by telling me she knows how much potential I have, and I can remember being 6 years old and her telling me that she knows I will graduate from college and she'll be there for me. She's tough on me when she needs to be and gives the most honest opinions, which know I really need sometimes! Yet she can be gentle and considerate in more ways than anyone. Her knowledge and wisdom has gotten me through many life situations and I know I'll always remember that. Thank you, Grandma!

Aunt Kathy
Mi Auntie! My godmother, my aunt, my stand-in-mother, my whatever-you-want-to-call it! Aunt Kathy has done things I don't think many aunts would do, and I am forever grateful for having her :) We lived together, we vacationed together, we got along, we fought, we had gift wrapping contests every Christmas, we shopped til we dropped on numerous occasions - we had the relationship of a mother/daughter and I always had fun with Aunt Kath! She is such a strong woman and I can't imagine all that she has gone through in life - but I know she is doing one heck of a job at livin' life to the fullest! Thanks for always being there for me - from cheering me on at every single lacrosse game, to high school and college graduations - I've loved having you a part of everything!

My soon to be Mother-in-law! She's the type of mom you're not born around, but you're lucky to gain later on in life :) She's the type of Mother who truly lives for her children and would be there in a heartbeat if they need her. I'm lucky to be gaining a Mother-in-law like that. J and I talk about the qualities she has that we'd love to incorporate into our lives when we have our own children. She raised children to be respectable, intelligent, and fun - and we hope we can do the same. She's always willing to come help if we need it, and we know we have someone to count on our whole lives through. Thank you for helping us make decisions when we call you for them (cause we all know how indecisive J and I can be!) and for doing all that you do for us!
My sister and my best friend all wrapped up in one person - and now a wonderful mom to her new baby girl! I always know I can talk to her about ANYTHING and everything and we share advice and more. We grew up together, went through many of the same life experiences together, and stood by each other through everything. We can relate on so many different levels and I don't think there is anyone else like her! I don't think we can go a day without talking and I know I can count on her for everything. I have no reservations asking her for favors or advice - and I know her little girl will feel the same way about her. I can't believe my sister/best friend is a mother now- I'm proud of the mother she is, and I'm proud to call her my sister! We have an understanding of what we mean to each other, even if we don't say it - we just know - and I love that :)

My cousin-but-really-sister :) She's another I've always been able to count on! We recently talked about all she has done for me (I think I thanked her for it all in my graduation thank you card!) and it really is a ton. All throughout high school, she was just like a mother to me - but a really cool mother :) She made my doctor's appointments, made sure I went to them, reminded me to pay bills, taught me to drive, helped with homecoming/prom dresses, made sure I was all ready for everything, came with me to take senior pictures, and made sure I had the "cool" things - my first coach purse, Tiffany's jewelry, etc. I've loved having you to help me, and I've loved having you to call when I've needed to (like in college when I needed to boil eggs, or in high school to sign me out - thank you Aunt Kathy for listing her as a contact!) You've been a wonderful cousin, sister, friend, mother to me and an amazing mother to your boys. Thank you for continuing to be there for me - on so many levels :)

Last, but certainly not least, my cousin-but-really-sister, Carolyn! We are so alike in some ways that it's just so easy to talk, hang out, and enjoy each other's company. You were always there to save me when I wanted to get out of the house! Or give me rides when I couldn't drive. I knew I could call you for anything and I can talk to you about anything and you've always understood, never judged, and gave advice I liked to hear. I miss coming by your house on my way home from lacrosse practice, but love having you to pick me up from the airport and I can always count on you to enjoy some Wings Plus with me :) You're a great mother with unconditional love for your kids and are always there to stand on the sidelines just like your mom was for us :) Thank you for everything!

And here's to my baby whom I can practice being a mother to :) (but sometimes forget to feed..guess I could use more practice!) I know you said Happy Mother's Day to me by putting your face right in mine when I woke up this morning and for following me around the house all day! Thanks for your company and protection, pup! I know you love me like a mommy :)

Happy Mother's Day to all you Mother's out there!
I can't even imagine all it takes to be a mother, but you've all done a wonderful job in so many different ways. I hope each of you enjoyed your Mother's Day and felt relaxed, loved, and content.
Thank you for everything and for all your loving ways <3