Our Christmas 2013 Recap

Charlene2 Comments
Amidst the holiday hustle and bustle, the non-frigid temperatures, and the chaotic work/travel schedules, we found time for magic. But really, it's not about finding 'time' for magic, because the magic of Christmas is happening all around. No matter how hectic lives seem leading up to Christmas, there is always the spirit and magic surrounding us. Just take a deep breath and a moment to relax and you'll notice it. We sure did. With family, Christmas light drives, delicious food, church, love, and Christmas music, it surely felt magical.

first gingerbread house building

gingerbread house

So magical that we even found time to build our first gingerbread home. It may have happened on Christmas Eve, but better late than never {just like this recap post!}

unique fancy gingerbread house

baby and gingerbread house

This whole holiday break for us was magical -- Christmas magical and Disney magical -- does it get more magical than that? Disney post to follow, but for now, I'm not sure if it gets much better than 3 little girls faces lighting up on Christmas morning!

3 girls christmas morning magical faces; eyes light up on christmas morning

Truly a holiday break for the books, again :)

Christmas Eve was spent with the Barr's - a wonderful evening filled with heartwarming traditions. We love us some traditions 'round here. A pot of corn chowder filling the house with mouthwatering aromas. I could certainly go for it right now as a matter of fact. Church, gifts, soup and the best array of sandwich goodies you can imagine, along with festive drinks and desserts. And nothing beats said traditions more than carrying them out with this group of people. It is, after all, these people who make up this tradition year after year and that's what makes it heartwarming. Grandparents traveling the long haul from South Dakota to make these traditions whole is truly special.

And while I wish I could have captured more moments from the day, I'll just be honest and say I've been a camera slacker. {Until last week, that is. -- I took a ton of photos in the week following Christmas} But thankful that I had Uncle Tom with my camera hung around his neck on Christmas Day. That helped capture many of the following memories to be thankful for :)


Cousins waking up together on Christmas morning is such a treat for them. We slept at my sister's house and the girls all actually slept in, then came out in a line -- oldest to youngest, with the first showing the next the right way to go. Each with their eyes lit up and smiles on their face, they ran straight for the Christmas tree and immediately pulled out any tissue paper from bags, pacing quickly from one to the next. Then to sit on their seats in awe of all they saw under the tree. It was like a moment of reflection for them. The calm before the {awesome} storm.

Then they climbed right into the wagon and Uncle Donnie took 'em for a little stroll around the house.

Thankful little girlies :)

And well, you better watch out or this gal might snatch some stocking stuffers from right under you. Sneaky little gal she is.

E got Daddy a tie for the first time - and I suspect there will be many more times throughout her life that that will happen. A Christmas tie for a fancy guy ;)

{yes, that would be a doll shoe hanging out of her mouth....inneresting..}

Following presents was a deliciously festive brunch, and Grandma came over to help with the food, followed by the rest of the family shortly after. I sure do love having a big family. Always a fun time :)

And of course, as every other child on Christmas afternoon does, we came outside to play with the new trikes, big wheels, power wheels, bikes, etc. {Or is that just a Florida thing because it's not cold..?!}

Girl time spent in the kitchen -- I think this is becoming a yearly traditional photo with us 4. Ha :)

And more relaxing, hanging outside, playing, talking -- even hugging apparently.

There were lazy moments, and of course, crazy moments.

We decorated wish lanterns and watched them fly high into the sky for the second year in a row -- reaching heaven to grant Christmas wishes to our lost loved ones spending the holiday up there. {a post will follow!}

This time spent with the family was more than we could ask for. Everyone together, under one roof -- a rare occasion to have ALL of us together - even the out-of-staters. So thankful for a holiday spent this way.

Lil E spent much of the day with her favorite, Johny, just like Johny used to spend with me :)

And we all spent the day with each other, our favorites!

Between Christmas Eve and Christmas, the holidays were spent exactly how we like them, with family, friends, great food and drink, and wonderful memories to keep. We hope you all had just as wonderful of a Christmas with memories to cherish forever!



Oh yes, and here is our 2013 Christmas Card :)

