i got this...

Charlene9 Comments
~Water pouring from the sink filling the dog bowl: check
~Microwave turning to sterilize pump supplies: check
~Cutting board/knife out ready to chop chicken for dinner: check
~Baby sleeping: check
~Pup outside playing: check

This whole Mom thing -- I got this!

Or at least that's how I feel in those occasional 'yes, I feel like supermom' moments!

Some days, I just got it.  Which greatly makes up for the preceding several days I just don't 'got it'! You live and learn -- and I'm'a learning how to live my life as a new momma.

Sometimes it's just easier when you let things go and go with the flow -- easier said than done, yes sir! But I've been trying to live by my 'babies don't keep' post, and let's be honest; at times it's hard to relax and just enjoy if the house is in trenches.  So this past weekend I took the time to pretend I've got it all figured out. Pretending or not, it works pretty well, and whatever ways I can trick myself into thinking I got this, well I'll take it!

I spent my days just enjoying -- enjoying my husband, our baby, our baby pup, a beer or two, the beautiful weather, friends, etc.

And when night came and baby went down (thanks to a very helpful daddy), I'd do a quick clean through of the house and tidy things up so that when we woke up the next morning, we'd start the day out right. It sure is wonderful when after a short 20 minutes of doing things right, you can start feeling that 'I got this' moment coming on, and well, that makes up for the entire day of mishaps that may have preceded your just right moment. If you end your day with a simple, quick tidy-up when the baby is sleeping -- tidy the couch pillows, clear off the coffee table, and push all baby/child gear into one contained area -- it's nice to look around and feel accomplished. If you take 10 minutes of your evening to do this, I swear laying your head on your pillow at night will feel glorious! (so long as your dog doesn't bang into the bassinet to wake your child and start the cycle all over -- or something like that!)

Can you tell what these two did most of the weekend?! (That pediatrics rotation must be wearing him out -- and making him miss his own baby every day!)

Learning to simply enjoy and do the things I want called for a sweet little weekend. Family time, busting out the Wii time, checking out that new Greek restaurant in town time, and what what -- chalkboard time (photos coming soon)!

It seems as though the key to feeling content at this point in life (and I'm sure all you new mommas can agree), or really any point in life, is accepting the fact that we don't always 'got this' -- but those moments where you feel you do are triumphant ones, indeed!

The house may not be where I want it, there may be dust growing in places I don't want to think about, and we may need more healthy foods up in here, but my family is happy, we've been enjoying each other, and we've been eating a few good home cooked meals, so I'm gonna go with that as I want and keep telling myself I got this! Supermom or not, whatever works, right?!