38 weeks {Happy Halloween!}

Charlene14 Comments
38 weeks..filled with a date night, pumpkin carving, friends, delicious food, football, lazy days with the hubby and puppy, lots of listening to the new T-Swizzle CD, Halloween soon, and currently chilly, chilly temperatures with the wind howling outside my windows. Brrr!

38 weeks
38 weeks pregnant chalkboard tracker inspired by littlebabygarvin chalkboard 38 weeks
This was taken inside thanks to that nasty cold wind out there!
  • How far along?: 38 weeks, 4 days
  • Baby is the size of a: Pumpkin! How appropriate and just in time for Halloween!
  • Total weight gain/loss: +27
  • The Bump: Big, and dropping a little.
  • Symptoms: Random pains here and there... Also, my hands still hurt to move sometimes, and 2 of my fingertips have been numb for over a week now..apparently normal and should go away within weeks after delivery.
  • Food Cravings: Nada.
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope.
  • Sleep: Getting up early again. 4:45am this morning. But actually, this weekend I slept very nicely and was happy my husband got to sleep in with me -- with windows open :)
  • What I miss: Nothing...but I think I am going to miss having baby in my belly and with me all the time while feeling her little squirms. But I know it will be wonderful to have her here to stare at and admire!!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: Off :(
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender: Baby Barr is a girl! :)
  • Movement: I actually tried recording some of her movements that look like she's trying to bust out of my belly, but she usually gets shy just as soon as I hit record, or 2 seconds thereafter!
  • Maternity Clothes: Same as every week...not too much..but the shirt in this chalkboard pic is maternity from Motherhood. I highly suggest every preggo gets the belly band so you can wear most of your regular pants. This is the one I have from Target .. I love it!
  • Labor Signs: Not too much, just a few random pains here and there and pressure once in a while...BUT, I am 1cm dilated and cervix has softened and moved toward the front..so now it's just the waiting game! Boringgg
  • Best Moment of the Week: Hmm..hearing that things are beginning to progress and baby should be here soon! 10 days until the due date! Oh and I also learned how to use my sewing machine thanks to my wonderful friend Erica! So needless to say, I have made mucho items for baby!
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Hopefully by next week labor will progress lots and baby girl will make her debut!! Her mommy and daddy are ready to hold her and kiss her and love her! And her big bro is ready to lick her toes when she gets home :)


beautiful fall sky

We took advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend brought (which was much nicer than the current weather status!) On Saturday, we had friends over to celebrate the season..oh yes, fall and Halloween coming up is indeed a reason to celebrate! I'll find any excuse for a celebration..why not! I think I've watched Hocus Pocus three and a half times in the past week, and friends even played a drinking game while watching. We found one online but made up our own as it required mucho sips of beer or wine or whatever you prefer to down while watching a classic childhood movie.

Rules are simple:
-Drink every time Thackary Binx says "Emily"
-Drink every time Bette Midler says "Sistahhhs!"
-Drink every time Max is called "Hollywood"
-Drink when the black flame candle is lit

Not many rules there, but I can assure you that you'll drink more than you think. I'll have to try it out next year!

And well, what is a fall night without friends, fall beer, or backyard corn hole?

fall pumpkin carving and backyard corn hole paying

fall beer and pumpkins

chocolate lab and kids

playing backyard corn hole in the fall

And you know it isn't a fall night without a delicious pot of chili filled with bacon, topped with tots and cheese...

fall chili with bacon, tater tots, and cheese

Mmm... can't forget the treats :) Or the pumpkin pie thanks to Erica!
ghost cookies recipe -- almond bark coated nutter butter cookies
These ghost cookies were very easy to make! Just dip nutter butter cookies in melted almond bark (or candy chips) and put 2 chocolate chips on for the eyes. Simple and quick!

Gotta love the pirate costume..

boys pumpkin carving in pirate costume

And better yet, a man in a pirate costume trying to scare the 3 year old..

mens pirate costume
Yup, J decided to confuse the crap out of him.. I still don't think Ben knew it was J ;)

Ended the night with some pumpkin carving and baked pumpkin seeds..

stork pumpkin for expecting a baby pumpkin carving ideas

Nights like this just make me happy..Now if only the weather would stay put the way it was this weekend..it just calls for a good mood!
fall night backyard cornhole tossing


And the rest of the weekend was spent with the hubby and puppy -- relaxing, enjoying the weather, watching football, and getting stuff done around the house. I must say I'm thankful for my wonderful husband who has helped me clean up around the house, made our delicious dinner Saturday night and breakfast Sunday morning, helped me carve a pretty pumpkin, has helped fulfill my love for fall decorations, and has just made things easier on me while pregnant. He may not give me all the massages or OMM treatments in the world that I would like haha, but hey, if he were perfect, I'd probably be worried! He's been great and I am so thankful for him and can't wait to see how great of a daddy he will be to our little girl :)

Lazy days are wonderful!
dad and puppy