37 weeks! {Full Term + Fall Photos}

Charlene4 Comments
37 week fall maternity photos with pumpkin; maternity photos with husband holding pumpkin

So now it's official -- we are full term and baby girl is welcome to come whenever she would like.  However, I'd prefer her sticking in there a little longer and I'd be very happy with her coming anytime after 39 weeks! Everyone keeps asking if I am "so over the whole being pregnant thing yet," but to be honest, I'm just fine.  I know it helps that I am able to relax during the day, but I still haven't reached that 'holy uncomfortable' feeling yet.  Maybe I'll get there, maybe I won't! Either way, we are about 2 1/2 weeks until her due date and that's pretty crazy in itself. I go to the doctor tomorrow for another cervix check to see if she's even thinking about making an appearance soon (although, I know she has a mind of her own and can surprise us any day).


37 weeks!
37 week pregnancy chalkboard tracker inspired by littlebabygarvin 37 week pregnancy chalkboard

  • How far along?: 37 weeks, 3 days
  • Baby is the size of a: Wintermelon..?
  • Total weight gain/loss: +25
  • The Bump: To me, it seems like it grows just a little bigger each and every day! But we'll see at the doctor's on Monday
  • Symptoms: Braxton Hicks contractions..lots of 'em in no pattern and don't really hurt
  • Food Cravings: Nothing in particular. But greatly enjoying food :)
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope.
  • Sleep: Same as last week...don't want to jinx anything...so I'm going to skip this answer today ;)
  • What I miss: The fall beer selections being thrown in my face! Only a few more weeks until I can enjoy one..I can handle that!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: Off :(
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender: Baby Barr is a girl! :)
  • Movement: She just gave me a few kicks as we speak
  • Maternity Clothes: I've bought 4 maternity shirts, 1 pair of capris, and 1 pair of shorts throughout the whole pregnancy and otherwise have stuck to my regular clothes.  Really glad I haven't gone overboard with all that!
  • Labor Signs: Nada..like I said just BH contractions that don't mean too much
  • Best Moment of the Week: Reaching full term and knowing that baby girl can safely (well, hopefully) make her debut any day now. I'm good with her cookin' a little longer though!
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Holding our lil punkin in my arms!

fall decorations welcome sign

The gorgeous weather has welcomed us outside and Grizz has loved every moment of that, especially with being able to master his frisbee catching skills. We've gone to the park to walk, and have been keeping busy by doing all things we know will be somewhat hard to do when baby is here. We've gone on a date night, trivia/wings/beer nights with friends (came in first one night - woot woot!), watched football games with friends, spontaneously gone out on a whim and have said yes to last minute plans just because we know it's easy right now! We are soaking up life as the two of us while getting ready to embrace all that parenthood has to offer.

fall maternity couple photo ideas

We've decorated the house and have been enjoying all things Fall. We're stocked up on pumpkins, which are patiently awaiting our fabulous carved masterpieces. ;) And even bought some Halloween candy in anticipation of trick-or-treaters -- cause you know, the Barr's front porch just screams "trick-or-treat here, please!"

fall decorated front porch
Crap. What if we are in the hospital on Halloween....what a tease that would be to potential trick-or-treaters! Oh well ;) Pup would scare them away, I'm sure of that.

fall maternity photo with dog
fall maternity photoshoot ideas 
Being able to enjoy the outdoors has been fantastic.  We had breakfast outside yesterday morning and spent more of the day out back than we did indoors. I think Grizz enjoyed it slightly more than we did -- which was proven by his lethargic state last night during the Florida State Game. Don't think he batted an eye as J screamed at the TV each time.fall pumpkin wreath on front door

And a Seminole win was just what we needed to finish off a relaxing, yet beautiful day! Woohoo. Not to mention, I've seen so many updates of friends getting engaged, announcing pregnancies, and mucho wedding celebrations lately -- Congrats to everyone!! I knew of 3 weddings this weekend, 2 engagements, and a pregnancy announcement. What a wonderful time of year for so many celebrations.  Hope everyone has been soaking it all up. I sure have.

fall maternity couple photo ideas
Our morning started out at church, went on to Cracker Barrel (because we have no unique breakfast places here), and shooting a family session later today in this beautiful weather. Maybe I'll get the hospital bag packed soon...pretty funny how much crap I gave my sister for not having hers packed in advance..oh well!

On to enjoy my Sunday!

Happy Day, everyone!