Food & Drink!

Charlene2 Comments
{I titled this Food & Drink....think I've been watching a little too much Wheel of Fortune lately!? Probably...}

Finger prick, meter strip, wait a sec...and BAM, I thought I was doomed to having to prick my finger 4x a day and continue eating the strict, yet healthy diet of gestational diabetes. Based on my fasting numbers, the phlebotomist thought I was doomed as well. So there wasn't much hope! That is, until I received a call the very next morning. Quick turn around phone calls like that usually signal bad news, right? Isn't is usually no news is good news in the medical world? Who knows...but that call was good news! I passed the 3 hour with my numbers in completely normal range. Yesssss!

So I celebrated with a giant chocolate cake topped with extra sprinkles and whipped cream. No, I'm kidding, I totally did not ;) {Not saying I wouldn't have loved to} But I'm still going to try and eat better for myself!


I hit the 29 week mark yesterday, so a chalkboard update post is coming soon. Don't fret ;)

In the mean time, just wanted to share a few randoms with ya!

1. A recipe I tried out
2. My drink of choice, especially good during pregnancy
3. An amazingly delicious-looking recipe
4. A peek at our baby girl's face


I was making shredded chicken pitas for dinner and wanted to attempt homemade tzatziki sauce. It was yummy..and pretty healthy..you should try :)

homemade pita chips and tzatziki sauce recipe

homemade pita chips and tzatziki sauce recipe

Tzatziki Sauce Recipe:
  • about 8 ounces plain greek yogurt
  • 1 cucumber - peeled, seeded, diced
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • lemon juice
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tablespoon dried oregano (or dill)
  • 1 1/2 cloves garlic, peeled

Combine cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, oregano (or dill) and garlic in a food processor or blender until smooth. In a seperate dish, slowly fold cucumber mixture into yogurt. Add seasonings as necessary and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Pita Chips Recipe:

  • whole wheat pita pockets
  • olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • dried basil
  • whatever other seasoning you want :)

Cut pita pockets using a pizza cutter into small triangles. Combine all ingredients in small cup and brush onto pitas. Bake at 400 for about 5 mins or until desired crispiness.



Onto my drink of choice! If you're in the fam..you already know this.

La Croix, baby!

On one of the pregnancy sites, many girls were asking opinions on what to drink aside from water (since doctors try to steer you away from caffeine/soda/juices loaded with sugar). Luckily, I've been a La Croix lover well before I was pregnant and it's been wonderful!

Zero everything. No sugar, calories, sodium, artificial sweeteners, etc. Zilch, zero, nada!

la croix, safe drink during pregnancy

{How our fridge looks when they are on sale}

I'll be honest and say that a lot of people who try it, don't like it very much. But I think they are just trying to compare it to some delicious caffeine/sugar filled Cherry Coke or something ;) It sure ain't no Cherry Coke, but it beats water when you're just not in the mood, that's for sure!


That delicious recipe I spoke of before? Check it out!

peanut butter pudding cookies

Oh yes, you read that right. Peanut butter PUDDING cookies! Click for the recipe.

I WILL be making these this fall, you can count on that ;)


And I'll leave you with a sneak peak of Baby B's face. I love being able to see her during an ultrasound!


Happy Friday!