28 weeks!

Charlene4 Comments
Helllo Third Trimester!
{on the home stretch now}

Baby kicks have been making me smile lately. Baby kicks, combined with thoughts of our little girl's arrival drawing closer and closer, have kept us content and thankful to be in this moment we are now. A hectic week following my doctor's appointment last Tuesday has left me enjoying the little moments spent on the couch at night with my husband, pup, baby kicks, and a new yummy scented candle. Oh yeah, and new fabric softener on my soft knit blanket that releases a soothing scent with every move has made me one happy girl. It's the little things {obviously!}. For me, the path to happiness is contentment!

I knew that last week's doctor's appointment would leave me feeling overwhelmed, so the anticipation left me okay with it all as I had fully prepared myself. Tons of questions and catching up due to moving and meeting with a new OB at the start of the 3rd trimester, switched my medication, a possible infection (which results later showed all was normal..phew!), scheduling of an ultrasound (for this coming Thursday) to get more measurements and cardiac activity since my records aren't complete, and an order for my 1 hour glucose test. The latter did not go so well.

For those who aren't familiar with the test, it checks for gestational diabetes, which happens when the pregnancy hormones block insulin from doing its job. Had to fast for 12 hours, go to the lab, drink an insanely sugary/syrupy drink, followed by a blood draw. Results came back: elevated glucose level and low iron. Rx for the iron, and sent for a follow-up 3 hour glucose tolerance test which I completed today -- fasting for 15 hours total -- finger prick, blood draw, sugary drink with double the dose of last test, blood draw after 1 hour, blood draw after 2 hours, and blood draw after 3 hours. Now that was fun! {NOT} Hoping for good results, but we shall see. Wish me luck, people!


On a different note, we ordered lots of new stuff this weekend :) Including baby girl's crib! We also ordered a new dining table, chairs, and a few other (smaller) items. Lucky for us, we are hoarders of gift cards. We usually save all the gift cards we get from Christmas, Birthdays, etc. until we come up with something really great {in our minds! haha} to purchase. So, gift cards were used in abundance this past weekend. We have not depleted those resources quite yet, though, as we still have money for Trader Joe's and Hobby Lobby {woohoo!} The Hobby Lobby will probably be used tomorrow, though! :)

Onto the chalkboard update! ---->

28 Weeks
28 weeks pregnant chalkboard update; little baby garvin chalkboard inspired drawings

  • How far along?: 28 weeks, 5 days
  • Baby is the size of a: Eggplant
  • Total weight gain/loss: Lost a few pounds -- I've been attempting the gestational diabetes diet.
  • The Bump: The bump might bite ya if you touch it ;) Well kick ya, not bite!
  • Symptoms: Bleeding gums...I had read about that at some point and it's been happening while brushing my teeth..awesome! And as for the stomach tightening for extended periods of time I wrote about last week...Dr did say Braxton Hicks.
  • Food Cravings: Doesn't even matter because I have been eating very well for myself ..but it is dang hard.
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: The Dr switched my medication last week and I'm still getting used to it. I usually have about an hour after taking it where I don't feel so well, but it goes away.
  • Sleep: Hello 5 am! You are boring (for now, at least, without a baby to tend to yet)
  • What I miss: Already missing normal food!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On...although at times they get tight. I'm attributing that to the exceptionally hot weather, or so I keep telling myself! And I'm sticking to it, because there are times where they are loose as well ;)
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender: Baby Barr is a girl! :)
  • Movement: Lots, and her mommy and daddy love it!
  • Maternity Clothes: Not so much this past week at least. In this chalkboard picture, no maternity clothes involved {except for belly band}
  • Labor Signs: N/A
  • Best Moment of the Week: Ordering our baby's crib!
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Can't wait to see baby girl on the ultrasound screen on Thursday. Sad her daddy will be missing out, but I'll fill him in on her tumbles, looks, etc.! And doctor appointments are every 2 weeks now so I get to stay well-informed on baby girl.

And about that yummy scented candle I was speaking of -- oh yes, you should try it too!
Yankee Candle's Vanilla Satin...Mmm!
Isn't it funny how a scent can help you relax and enjoy things just a little more?!
yankee candle vanilla satin

p.s. ---

it's a good day to have a good day