easy homemade peppermint bark gifts

Charlene4 Comments
Looking for a homemade gift idea for Christmas?! I made a couple of these for my bosses and they were so easy. Follow these instructions for easy peppermint bark in a mason jar :)

easy peppermint bark recipe in mason jars

You'll need:
  • 12 ounces (about 2 cups) of chocolate chips

  • 12 ounces (about 2 cups) of white chocolate

  • candy canes

  • mason jars

  • cute fabric (optional)

Note: I made 2 trays -- 1 using premium white chocolate chips, and 1 using vanilla almond bark. The white chocolate chip batch tasted better, but broke apart from the chocolate very easily. The almond bark was much easier to use, stayed melted/easier to spread longer, broke apart cleaner, and stayed connected to the chocolate layer.

Point is: If you're looking for less frustration, go with the almond bark!

easy peppermint bark recipe

1. Place candy canes in ziplock bag and crush them into small pieces

2. Melt the chocolate chips according to the package

3. Place foil on a cookie sheet and spread out melted chocolate

4.Place in refrigerator while preparing white chocolate (it hardens quickly)

5. Melt white chocolate according to package (I realized the hard way that white chocolate melts much quicker than milk/dark chocolate)

6. Spread melted white chocolate over the chocolate layer and immediately sprinkle candy cane pieces over

7. Set in the refrigerator for a little while and then break it into pieces

peppermint bark in mason jars

I cut squares of fabric and placed them under the lid, then tied twine around.

Enjoy! (or give as a gift to co-workers, teachers, etc.)