live, laugh, love...with family

Charlene1 Comment
J and I decided to buy a nice camera as a wedding gift to each other and we have been having tons of fun playing around with it. This gift from my love brought about a new-found love for photography. I had the pleasure of spending this past weekend with my family in Florida (we sure did miss my new husband), but I think I can speak for all of us when I say we had a nice, relaxing, fun-filled weekend. With it being Aunt Kathy and Grandma(GG)'s 55th and 85th birthdays, we planned a 3-step get together that was sure to bring out the joy in everyone (+ surprise the heck out of Aunt Kath and let me practice my photography!)

[[ These banners were super easy to make - cut triangles out of scrapbook paper & clothespin them to twine ]]

Step 1: Catherine's house for appetizers and mimosas (+ a special birthday toast for our guests of honor!)

Step 2: Lunch at McDivot's in the Carolina Club (a delicious lunch with custom menu's honoring AK & GG)

Step 3: Cake, presents, and fun at Heather's house

The entire birthday party was spent sharing laughs, hugs, tears, and stories. Justin, who turned 8 today (Happy Birthday!), so innocently asked if "this was some sort of family reunion" - and I'm pretty sure he's never been to a family reunion - but that is exactly what it felt like. It was so nice being able to spend quality time with family and I am grateful for weekends like that :)

One more thing! Pretty soon, our family will be expanding even more. Did I mention that my (almost) 9-month old niece is expecting a little sister at the start of the new year?! Our family is excited and blessed..and I'm sure our beautiful Arianna will be happy to have a playmate so close in age. She has grown so fast..but gosh, she is darn cute!