Marriage Prep & A Photo Sesh!

Charlene3 Comments
Marriage Preparation...it just sounds fun, doesn't it?! ;) Well, if you spoke to either of us a few months ago about the whole "marriage prep" situation, we would have been honest and told you that some of the things we have to do seemed a bit ridiculous and that we just didn't have a great vibe from it all. After leaving another meeting with our priest tonight, we both walked out of there saying how this has been a complete 180. We felt good leaving tonight (as we did last meeting as well), and it feels great to know we kept up with it and it's turned into a positive for us. We feel welcomed and embraced by our church now, and actually understand why we're going through the things we are - for the most part! It's taught us where our differences are, our strong points, and how to really think as a unit of "one" together. While we still have much more to go through, I'm happy we feel this way about it now and it makes the process of preparing for marriage seem a lot less stressful..whew, it feels nice to say that!

And today.....our engagement photos finally came in :) Here are a few...

We had a lot of fun taking these pictures in West Palm's Clematis Street / City Place area with Sean Michael - who will be the photographer on our wedding day, so most of you will meet him :) It also served as a great trial run for us so we could see what it's like being in the spot light and things we need to work on for photos! For me - it's trying to keep my eyes open and not blink so much - For him, well I'll let him tell you :)

This week is the dreaded test week. I'm actually not so sure whether or not to call it "dreaded", because at least J knows that he's this much closer to getting the chance to relax for a day or two, and I know I'm this much closer to spending time with him. However we look at it, let's just pray he does well! This Friday will mark the end of his second term in medical school...that means 1 more term to go and he is done with his first year. I'm proud :)