
the things we do for our 4-legged babies...

Charlene1 Comment
Who knew I could love a puppy so much? We always look at him and talk about how awesome he is and the way he completes our little family. The past 4 1/2 years just wouldn't be the same without him. The memories, the comfort, and all the fun times -- Grizz makes them complete! Sappy, I know, but gosh -- we love him!

chocolate lab photos

Today, Grizz officially destroyed one of his favorite toys. There are the toys we buy that he destroys within 24 hours, and those ones come and go like we never even knew they existed. But then there are the toys that have managed to make their way into luggages and travel with us through each move we've made and settle in to become a part of our home. Grizz loves those toys. Think Andy & his Toy Story pals.

dog looking out the car window

This one in particular - it's been with us through moves, vacations, and even boarding days. But now, that toy is a goner! J decided that that one must be thrown out. And well, we treat our boy like a real boy.. we didn't want him to see us throw it out..haha...so we didn't. But then he was running around looking for it like no other. Sad story, huh? We tried throwing other toys for him, but in that moment, he only wanted that one toy. "Sorry buddy, we'll get ya another one later!"

dog looking out the window

I went to pick up some dinner for us and J reminded me to get him a new toy as promised. I went to head into Pet Smart and they were closed! Grizz was in the backseat and I felt like it was a child going to Toys R Us, but oh no, they're not open! Target was right next door. I took one look at myself and thought, "Oh crap! I'm wearing plaid flannel pajama pants and slippers and my hair is soaking wet. Am I really going into Target looking like this for a dog toy?"

dog sleeping under blanket

Yup, I did. I walked into Target thinking it'd be one quick trip. Of course, the dog section had to be in the opposite corner of the store. I walked my happy butt back there, got multiple blank stares by men working there, debated about which toy to get pup, and walked back to the front. Crap..only 2 lanes open with long lines. I waited. And of course, there was a problem with the customer in front of me and they had to call for backup. In the meantime, she rang me up. And this lady waiting for help to come for her purchase started staring me up and down. Her eyes glued to my pants, then slowly gazed up to see the rest of my super cool wardrobe, then glanced over at my one dog toy item and looked back at me. I could tell as her eyes rolled a little that all she was thinking was, "Did this girl really come to Target wearing that just to get this one damn dog toy?"

dog with peanut butter on face

Yup, I did! Just for pup. I knew it was ridiculous the entire time, but it didn't stop me one bit. Oh Grizz, you best thank yo momma. I got home, filled that toy with peanut butter and treats, and we had one happy boy. He loves us :)

puppy paws and human feet

Unfortunately, contrary to what I thought in the store, this toy may be one of those 24 hour things. But he puts up with lots of crap from us and keeps me feeling secure while we both miss his daddy. His companionship and protection makes all the things we do for our 4-legged baby so worth it :)

patiently awaiting spring

Flowers are in bloom -- slightly too early -- but who's complaining? We reached a pleasant 75 degrees today and that sun - oh, that beautiful sun - has become quite the talented artist. It's been painting landscapes that no human artist could ever produce. From glistening skies throughout the day, which sneak sun through every window at work painting golden hues on my desk, to sunsets producing awe-inspiring spectrums of color. It's been both calming and uplifting to know that spring is on it's way!
red orange purple sunset photography

Oh yeah, and remember Mr. Punxsutawney Phil, the one whom I was begging to let spring come early? Well, he failed me. BUT, little did I know that here in Atlanta, we have our own groundhog - one whom I am currently partial to - and Mr. General Beau Lee delivered the kind of news we like to hear around here. Thank ya, pal!
pink and purple sunset photograph

So we've been getting out and about more and more.

And we've been searching for signs that prove spring is surely on it's way, as well as pretending it's already here by doing things like....

Going to the river at sunset...
Chattahoochee river at sunset suwanee, georgia

Watching our boy swim in freezing waters and enjoy every moment of it...
dog swimming in Chattahoochee river

Chattahoochee river sunset

Getting the pup out to go for car rides..(just don't say "car" if you don't plan on taking him..we need to spell words around here like c-a-r or o-u-t-s-i-d-e..he's a smart one!)
dog riding with head out the window

dog riding in the car

Getting out more, walking, and climbing nature's stairs...

stone in sunset

Laughing at our Grizz, who resembles a grizzly bear searching for salmon...
dog going fishing

but coming back with anything but salmon... (we're proud boy.. we are!)
dog swimming with sticks in mouth

Driving with the windows down and spotting deer running free...
deer in the woods
deer animal photography

Pulling over to snap some shots of the sky that the sun artist painted so beautifully...
sun setting behind tree silhouette

purple red orange sunset behind trees photograph
sunset behind barb wire photography

And enjoying walks outside, burgers on the grill, and that amazing windows-open kinda weather.

Oh yeah, and Robin Eggs -- you know that just screams spring! haha :)
robin eggs in a mason jar

We may have 3 1/2 weeks until the official start of spring, but we are eagerly waiting to kiss winter's butt goodbye to say hello to daily sunny skies and beautiful flowers in full-bloom. And more importantly, I'm waiting for the day I can wear my flip-flops 24/7 and put my 'real' shoes into hibernation until the end of the year.

welcoming October

Charlene6 Comments
Happy October, everyone!

fall leaves
In the past week leading up to October, there have been moments of happiness, creativity, laughter, love, and more. We had days of sunshine where I was running around outside in a tank-top with Grizz and his friends while yearning for water..and within 24 hours, J and I were complaining of being incredibly cold, needing coats and hot chocolate...but really, that's nothing to complain about!

October 1st brought just what we expected of fall - cold temperatures, fall beers (Sam Adams Oktoberfest is now available on tap!), colored leaves, and more. As I sit here writing into the wee hours of the morning with a fall scented candle flickering beside me, a cool breeze whipping through the house, my pup breathing heavily and the lights dimmed low, I can't help but notice the exciting feeling of fall. Coming from Florida, I can't say it's a feeling I've grown up knowing all about, but it's certainly what you'd expect fall to feel like and we don't mind welcoming October one bit. The leaves are changing, the temperatures are dropping, and the holidays are sneaking up right around the corner....and well, I'm excited!
fall leaves
fall leaves
fall leaves
dog shadow


My sister's birthday comes just in time to greet fall. It's a great time for me to sit in the house (windows open!) and create little gifts for her. While I gave her her own gift, I couldn't help but include goodies for the babies. After all, don't they say that when you age, holidays are all about your kids anyway..?! I made this little 'onesie cupcake' for my future niece, complete with a note that read 'since there are two of you, the little one deserved a birthday treat, too!' I rolled up a onesie and assembled it as a cupcake. Of course, I had to make a bunch of headbands for our precious Arianna (she loves her headbands, and she's so dang cute in them!!)
cupcake onesie, baby headband
Oddly enough, the Johnson & Johnson commercial just came on... 'having a baby changes everything...' as I just stated when it comes to gifts!

Subway art inspired by Emily at Our Little Casita

homemade cookie cake
I've been baking lately like it's my job. I can certainly admit though, I am no good at it...but I have fun with it! Cookies, cakes, cookie-cakes, cake pops, and...dog treats! Grizz is the greatest little helper and he followed his nose that swore to him the next batch was all his. He was right. Peanut butter puppy treats...all for Grizz :)
dog helper
homemade dog treats

White dust from flour and grease stains from butter have taken over my clothes the past couple days. An apron was necessary. How have I gone so long without one?! Leave it to Hobby Lobby to have some of the cutest aprons in stock! (Well, I thought cute, J thought french maid..)
cute apron


Oh yes, my fall decoration collection has yet to be completed! I've been keeping myself busy while J has been studying. I came across this blog with DIY Apothecary Jars...

and I decided to make my own..
diy apothecary jars
I purchased the wooden bases for around .30 cents at Hobby Lobby and the glass candle holders for $1 at Dollar Tree, then used e6000 glue to attach the $1.50 glass jars from Hobby Lobby to the spray painted base. Easy peasy :)

diy apothecary jars
diy apothecary jars
I'm excited to use these for upcoming holidays as well!

I then made these accordion pin wheels using scrapbook paper and placed them in a vase - a much cheaper, longer-lasting alternative to real flowers!
diy accordion flowers
james and charlene


I saw a yellow scarf at Target last week that I really wanted, but if you know me, you know I don't just buy things to buy things. I mean, come on people, I have to justify my purchases! I went back today to get it after much thought, and it was gone :( So, I went to Hobby Lobby (surprise, surprise) and bought a yard of yellow fabric. I made a few cuts, knotted it up a little and attached a couple flowers for a quick and easy DIY scarf.
DIY scarf


Meeting for lunch on Fridays has become a weekly routine for us. And why not take advantage of this beautiful weather outside instead of remaining cooped up inside PCOM (where J spends hours upon hours every day anyway)...thanks for bringing the picnic tables back, PCOM!
lunch at PCOM
lunch at PCOM


And after hours of me working, doing DIY projects, baking, and keeping myself and Grizz entertained, J gave us his undivided attention for a few amazing hours Friday and Saturday night (after studying his butt off from before sunrise til almost sunset each day this week)...and it was wonderful for all of us :)
PF Chang's one night, and frolicking in Atlanta another night!
date night

church steeple
neighbor's Atlanta
Coke wall Atlanta


dog at top of stairs
dog at top of stairs
When J is upstairs, and I am downstairs, Grizz doesn't know what to do. He must keep his eyes on both of us, so he waits patiently at the top of the stairs to split his attention towards both of us. Aww, we love him :)

It's been a good week for us. Make sure you break out the fall scented candles, turn on some good tunes, and enjoy whatever it is that makes you happy right now. Unfortunately, I am missing the Taylor Swift concert that I so badly wanted to attend this weekend, but am lucky enough to enjoy time with my little family. It's clean sheet day (and seriously, who doesn't love that?!) and my pup is waiting on me. Goodnight!

summer as newlyweds

Charlene1 Comment

The sweet smell of summer officially lingers off in two days. Months of cool weather, colored leaves and warm fires await us; while the hot sun, bright skies, and beach days of 2011 will become fond memories for people of all ages to look back on while yearning to create more next summer.

For us, the summer of 2011 brought the deepest love we've ever felt for each other, beautiful memories we surely won't forget, and the start of our lives together as husband and wife. It was our summer as newlyweds. Looking back 4 months ago, we were knee deep - scratch that - neck deep in wedding jargon. We were excited beyond belief for what was to come. We had the summer ahead of us, which included our wedding, our honeymoon, and quality time with family and friends. While we started our lives together 9 1/2 years ago, we knew this summer was the start of our lives together as a family - to include memories and traditions that we'll continue to do/make our whole lives through. This past summer for us was unforgettable.

Finally, the summer recap as I promised:

There was that whole wedding thing. And honeymoon thing. You know, no big deal - only the most AMAZING things we have gone through together yet :)
beach wedding
secrets maroma beach honeymoon

Then that post-honeymoon thing...where we soaked up the sun, fun, and had bonding time with family and friends in South Florida. Newlyweds.. :)
post honeymoon

There was a trip to Tallahassee to reminisce on all the beer-drinking, cheap-eating, late-night-partying, awesomely stupid days we had together + the football games, classes, and residences we shared together. There was time spent with our favorite friends there, along with their precious baby girl - a smart little reader :)
rachel reading
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

We eventually made our way back to Georgia, where it was time to relax and enjoy while having NO wedding planning to consume our time, minds, or destroy our house with endless projects! (Well, they ended, and now I miss them! But I think I'll manage...)

There were game nights, beer nights, friend/family nights, even a trip to the Varsity thrown in between...
summer days

...days of 'Just Dance'-ing and delicious home-made frozen drinks (we had to test out all the new wedding gifts) ...

dog days...
dog sleeping

painting days...

and trips to the Chattahoochee river (only a 10 minute drive away)...
chattahoochee river
chattahoochee river

a trip to Pensacola for Jason & Chiaki's wedding..(more newlyweds!)
jason & chiaki's wedding

a crab boil with friends..
crab boil

random dinners with friends...

our very own made-up pretzel and beer tour of Atlanta...
pretzel and beer in atlanta
pretzel and beer in atlanta

town center days...
suwanee town center
suwanee town center
(apparently, they play frisbee with their feet...?)
more trips to the river...
chattahoochee river
we watched teens jump off the bridge and realized how old we are because we thought they were kinda stupid..
chattahoochee river
grizz spent his 4th birthday party here with canine friends...
chattahoochee river

there were bbq days...

suwanee beer fest...
suwanee beer fest

camping trip in NC...
nantahala outdoor center camping

brunch days...
front page news brunch

concert nights...
suwanee town center concert
suwanee town center concert

....and so much more!

There were numerous moments we'd love to have captured, but were too spontaneous for a camera...and moments like that are wonderful. I was thankful to spend so much time with our family and friends.. and our time together with just each other was something we'll always remember.

It was the summer we were married - our summer as newlyweds <3