
high school sweethearts introduction blog 

We are from South Florida, met in middle school and both played lacrosse for the Tomahawks. We began dating in 9th grade when he asked me to be his girlfriend on Valentine's Day in the front of our high school. J & I both went to Florida State University and graduated in 2009. Him with a Chemical Science degree and me with an I.T. degree. Shortly after graduating from college, he asked me to marry him.
And I said yes, of course! 

first comes love then comes marriage 

J was accepted into medical school, and we moved to Georgia in Summer 2010. One year later, we got married in South Florida amongst all our family and friends on the most amazing day of our lives.

first comes love then comes marriage 

We had our beautiful baby girl in November 2012. We never knew how much love our hearts could hold until seeing her for the first time. She is a little piece of both of us that we still can't believe we created. We are over the moon in love & learning every day how to be parents.
Luckily, we had a tiny bit of practice beforehand...

first comes love then comes marriage 

We got this little piece of chocolate love when he was a mere 5 week old. We love our lazy ball of love who protects us with all he has. He's also a troublemaker at heart, but we won't get into that ;)


I am a 25 year old crafter, DIYer, photographer, somewhat unorganized Florida girl at heart loving life as a wife/momma/sister/daughter/friend/whatever-you-want-me-to-be! Together, my husband and I like to travel and enjoy good food and delicious beer. Some might call us beer snobs, and we're okay with that. Pour us a cold one, baby! The med school journey can make our lives crazy at times, but it's all about enjoying the ride. And I'm in no rush!


Our dreams stay big,
and our worries stay small.