Baby E {6 month photos & favorites}

Charlene11 Comments
....And we're halfway to a year! Wowza. The day she turned 6 months (last Monday the 13th), I literally felt as though she changed. She grew up. She's heavier. She's got some chunky little baby thighs (although still small on the charts). She's just looking like an official BABY to me, and no longer a little, young, teeny, fresh new lil one. My baby is growing up before my eyes - plain and simple. And with that comes the cutest little personality I've ever come across in my life ;)

monthly baby photos; 6 month baby photos

6 month baby photo ideas lifestyle

Must I warn you of the photo overload...?



Here are the favorites for in between months 5 & 6.. 

gear for 6 month baby favorites


14 lbs, 7 oz. (18%)
26" (52%)
16" head circumfrence

Seems we've stayed very consistent in the 18th% for weight. The height has dropped from 80th% to 52% which the doctor says she's just starting to even out. And he pointed out that she has a short momma.

6 month baby chalkboard


{Sleeping in the crib all night} Right when she turned 5 months, we moved her from our room to the crib at night, which actually went well from the beginning. We were sad though, and felt like we kicked her out for no good reason! Ha..but we know it needed to be done! She's our (little) big girl!

5 month baby sleeping in crib

{Sitting up} She started out doing the tripod stance - sitting with her 2 arms out to hold her up - and now she'll sit up without the support of her arms. She does still topple sometimes, though!

5 & 6 month baby sitting in tripod stance

{Moving Backwards} She mastered this right around 5 months. She has moved from her bedroom, through the hall, and out into the living room before I finally picked her up. So the girl can move, that's fa sho!

6 month old baby crawling to dog

{Gets on all 4's and attempts to crawl forward} She has been doing this for a while now as well, rocking on all 4's and attempts to move a leg forward, but she hasn't quite mastered moving her arms forward yet. So no official crawl yet. But the girl will scootch her way around to get what she wants!

6 month old trying to crawl

{Trying to pull up on things/stand} This is more of a recent one. As in right when she hit 6 months. So perhaps there will be more of this on the 7 month post!

6 month old milestone photos


SLEEPING :: Baby E sleeps in her crib like a big girl since the day she hit 5 months. And she'll wake up between 7:30-8:30am, I feed her, then we both fall back asleep together :)

6 month old sleepy baby

5 month old sleeping in crib

Her naps are pretty sporadic. No real pattern, which isn't the greatest, but she usually doesn't get cranky even without a nap so it's all good!

6 month napping in crib

6 month details hands photo

Baby girl has indulged a bit more this month. Still breast feeding, but introduced sweet potatoes, peas, and carrots..Mmm! She also ate apple pear oatmeal, but mostly just veggies so far. Seems as though she's taking after momma in the fruits/veggies department (Momma loves her veggies - Daddy, eh, not as much!)

6 month old baby foods

6 month baby eating baby food

6 month baby eating fruits

She's my lil piggy!

"Ma, ya got more?! And can ya give some to my puppy, Grizz?"
baby in highchair with food on face photo

MISC. ::
Baby girl's daddy has been away this month for his rotation. We get to reunite with him on the weekends and she loves the moment he walks in the door. It's wonderful :)

daddy and baby 6 months photos

daddy and baby photo ideas; 6 month old standing in crib

She's been hanging with Grandma who is in town, and Uncle Bill even came to visit Mother's Day weekend.



Which also means another holiday she celebrated with us ;) She got Momma a sweeeet (and big) blanket from Target that we snuggle under every morning together! (How'd she know I'm obsessed with Target's blankets and quilts?!)

She put on her embroidered scrubs from Sandy and visited Daddy at the hospital for lunch. Our last visit to the hospital for lunch while here in Georgia as a matter of fact. (Aww, the one she was born in!) She'll have to visit Daddy sometime at the next hospital while she still fits in her scrubs :) 

Seems as though she'd rather eat the scrubs...

She surely loves her books. And her momma loves reading them to her :)

6 month old baby books photo


Our sweet girl is taking the world on..one smile/laugh/crawl/fart/spit-up/nap at a time! We still, and probably always will, look at her in disbelief that she is our pride and joy, our creation, our sweet and cuddly, smart little girl, and ours to love for the rest of our lives. We feel so lucky to have her in our lives.


Her curious, yet confident eyes have us intrigued with every look she gives. Her eagerness to explore, learn and play keeps us busy in the best possible way.



Her wet kisses are the greatest, and her baby scent keeps me hugging on her like it's my job, and maybe a few monster kisses here and there. She loves getting scared and it cracks all of us up. This girl needs a jack-in-the-box!


We're celebrating half a year with this beautiful girl! And we couldn't be more thankful and full of love.

monthly baby photos; 6 month baby photos blog

6 month old lifestyle baby photo ideas

half birthday photo ideas, monthly baby photos blog

Happy 6 months, sweet baby girl!