Baby E {1-4 month comparison}

Charlene2 Comments
Yup, my baby is already a third of the way to a year. Whew. I'd rather not think like that. Instead, let me back up, and rephrase that sentence to 'yup, my baby is only 4 months old.' Much better.

Feels like I was just in the hospital with my newborn girl! And speaking of newborns, my cousin Jessica gave birth to a handsome little man yesterday! BIG congrats to you, Kyle, and baby Holden!

But my little newborn, she is now 4 months old, so I thought it would be fun to do a little 4 month comparison. Here we go!

baby comparison photos


Newborn :: 7 lbs, 10.8 oz. & 20.5" long. Left hospital at 7 lbs, 2 oz.
2 Weeks :: 7 lbs, 12 oz.
1 Month :: No stats :(
2 Months :: 9 lbs, 11 oz. & 23 1/4" long.
3 Months :: 11 lbs, 13 oz.
4 Months :: 12 lbs, 11 oz. & 25" long.


Yes, according to charts, she's a little one. But nothing the doctor is concerned about. I mean, she's starting to sport the double-chin-baby-look and getting some chunk on those lil baby thighs, so I thought she would have gained more weight, but she's sittin' pretty consistent in the lower percentile range. As long as she's growing, meeting milestones, and well...the fact that she is really trying to be on the move doesn't concern us with regards to her being little on the charts.

She's just a lil tyke. And we're okay with that!

1, 2, 3, 4 month comparison photos

Baby girl just knows her momma is a weakling, so I think she's trying to help me out.


Our girl is changing EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Bluer eyes, bigger moves, stronger pinches and hair pulls, more smiles, and heartwarming louder laughs only lead to greater love.

And bigger arms lead to bigger hugs. I'm good with that!