Baby E {3 month photos & favorites}

Charlene8 Comments

As my snuggly little baby lay nestled atop me last night on the couch, I watched her eyes fall slowly asleep, eliciting such a euphoric feeling of love within me. I still look at her in awe, and feel completely blessed that we were able to create something -- well, someone -- who is capable of loving us back just as much. Super sappy, I know; yet rather apropos considering tomorrow is the day to celebrate l.o.v.e. <3

But today, my friends, is the day to celebrate 3 whole months since our baby entered this world for us to love on for the rest of our lives! Most amazing 3 months for us yet. She is simply wonderful!


Thought I'd throw in the sidenote that I may be doing this wrong cause it seems like '3 month favorites' would be after she hits the 3 month mark, but I am doing it as in 0-1 was the 1st month, 1-2 was the 2nd month, and 2-3 is now the 3rd month. So just go with it ;)

babies 3 month old favorites toys and mom favorites
1. Bibs (Target) - Our little girl is a drooler these days. Bibs are necessary! And the 'I always have room for cake' one is very fitting for my child :)

2. Hands-free Pumping Bra (Amazon) - Worth every penny. This makes pumping very do-able! I can hold/feed the baby while pumping, blog, talk on the phone, etc. Or do that all at once (which I have!)

3. Taggies Jammies (Target) - Aunt Maggie got baby girl these jammies for Christmas and we loove them on her! So stinkin' cute, and it fits really well!

4. Milkscreen strips (Amazon/Target) - Tests for alcohol in breast milk in case you want to indulge a little ;) Although, I have had to dump several bottles of pumped milk. And whoever said "Don't cry over spilled milk" has never had to pump and dump before. It's a little bit heartbreaking! So, either play it safe and don't drink, or use these strips.

5. The Very Hungry Caterpillar (available at all stores/Amazon) - Definitely one of my favorites to read to her!

6. Sophie the Giraffe - The ever-so-popular Sophie. She occasionally grabs hold of Sophie and brings the legs to the mouth - I assume she will fall even more in love with Sophie as she grows a little!

7. Mobi Wrap - If she's wanting to be held, it's great to put her in this and walk around the house. She falls asleep in it and it's so cute ;) I brought it to the park and she fell asleep in it there too. Very versatile!

8. Sassy Books (Babies R us/ Amazon) - So cute for babies. Soft, fun to read, and one has a handle to grab.

9. Skip Hop Mirror - We don't have THIS mirror, but a different mirror and I tell you, she loves looking at herself! Or whatever it is she sees in mirrors in the background or something. They are fun for her!

10. A&D ointment - Sister recommended this for diaper rashes and although Baby E has only had a few mild spots, this cleared it up right away. The OB also recommended this if you are still hurting from breastfeeding and lanolin isn't helping.


11 lbs, 13 oz

{Rolling Over}
Shortly after reaching the 2 month mark, Baby E decided tummy time was for the birds. Any time we lay her on her belly, she gets her roll on. Tummy to back, that is.

She's been smiling in response to us for a while now, but last week (on 2/7), it happened for the first time -- Daddy was talking in his best Cookie Monster voice, and there we had it, the cutest little baby laughs we've ever heard. Hearing her laugh and seeing that face makes both of our hearts melt -- we often tell her we don't know how we are ever going to say 'no' to her when she's older! (That'll change, though, I'm sure..haha)

{Following Sounds & Voices}
We can now talk to Baby E and she will follow us all around with her head/eyes wherever we walk.  Which always makes us sad to leave the room if she is staring at us and smiling. That'll change soon, too, I'm sure! But if she hears a noise now, she knows which direction it is coming from and looks that way, whether it's a toy making noise, or one of us talking.

Anything & Everything. Especially Momma's hair. {Ouch!}

8-9 hours a night. It's wonderful. And I am thankful. One night she even slept 10 hours. She'll usually wake up around 5 or 6 when Daddy is up in the morning, but I pop her pacifier in at that time and turn on her musical projector and she falls back asleep until around 8. Not quite sure what she'd do without that projector!


Still only breast milk (Sidenote: autocorrect wants to change breastmilk to gristmill..interesting!). The doctor says once she reaches 4 months we'll start giving her some cereal in her bottles, so for another month at least, I predict her eating habits won't change too much! But we'll see :)

MISC. ::
We recently put her in the jumperoo for the first time, and while her little feetsies don't quite touch the floor yet, she looks like such a big girl in there! She holds her head well and stares at all the action goin' on.

monkey feet on baby

Still obsessed with the swing! 

Lovesss being read to and batting at the books. We've reread all her books numerous times so I bought her a couple cute ones for Valentine's Day. :)

One more thing I want to remember between the 2nd month and now is the way she clasps her teeny hands together all the time and holds them up by her face, looking like the sweetest little girl there is! And her coos and laughs are a-maz-ing!


 3 months ago from today {the 13th} was absolutely incredible. Baby E has blessed us in so many ways. We love you, baby girl!