35 weeks {+ 6 days}

Charlene10 Comments
Typical of me :) Waiting until 35 weeks, 6 days for the post -- so, tomorrow I will hit 36 weeks and come up with a whole new chalkboard drawing..woohoo! But for now, enjoy this one!

The 35th week has been a fun one. All the weekend festivities and lots of friends involved -- it certainly was busy and great. I got more of the nursery finished -- we are near completion! And finished up all of our birthing classes -- which included a tour of the hospital's maternity ward, labor and delivery rooms, and the postpartum rooms as well. Whew, $h!t just got real, people! We officially have under a month left on the countdown. I do still have more preparing to conquer, though, so I betta get a move on!


35 weeks {+ 6 days}
35 week pregnancy chalkboard inspired by littlebabygarvin chalkboard pregnancy posts

  • How far along?: 35 weeks, 6 days
  • Baby is the size of a: Coconut
  • Total weight gain/loss: +23
  • The Bump: Growing by the day. And I was told I'm looking like I've started to 'drop'
  • Symptoms: Heartburn! I can say this is a first for me. I haven't ever had the pleasure of knowing what heartburn feels like, but now I can cross that off the list. My weekly updates I get have always included heartburn as a common symptom, but I just thought I was one of the lucky ones missing out on that. No longer the case! I also wake up with my hands/fingers hurtinggg to move, squeeze, apply pressure -- they feel arthritic! What's up with that?!
  • Food Cravings: Oh boy did I eat a crap load at the fair...whew! Too much. Oh, and Erica made BLT muffins to go along with my BLT cravings I've had throughout my pregnancy! How funny :) and yummy!
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope.
  • Sleep: On and off. Saturday night J stayed up late with friends and I woke up when he came into the room at 2:30am -- and I was up until 6:00am -- blah! But then Sunday night I went to sleep around midnight and woke up at nearly 11am!!! That is pretty crazy for me these days :) I was shocked, but Grizz didn't seem to mind sleeping in!
  • What I miss: My wedding rings
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: Off :(
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender: Baby Barr is a girl! :)
  • Movement: It's there. And her baby hiccups - they're funny, but I love 'em!
  • Maternity Clothes: I'm actually wearing maternity pants AND a shirt in this week's post. But I do still squeeze into mainly regular clothes.
  • Labor Signs: N/A
  • Best Moment of the Week: Feeling baby girl squirm about, being told she is in the head down and ready position by the doctor, and all of the excitement of the shower, fair, and friends :)
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Finishing her room. And of course, getting more and more anxious to meet baby girl! All they talk about in the birthing class and videos are how important baby and mommy skin-to-skin contact is right after birth..and it get's me emotional just thinking about those moments! We are excited.

I love that Monday brought such beautiful weather. Walking at the park was a must, followed by a crock pot meal. Mmm...

Some of our walk {in pictures}

birdhouse sitting in the sunlight photography

yellow fall flowers during golden hour

looking down at pregnant belly while on a walk

dandelion photography

tree stump photography in the park with sunshine

blowing a dandelion in the wind

Oh, how I love this time of year! {Not sure how many times I'll say that!}


Join me on our official countdown -- 29 days left until the due date!