27 weeks!

Charlene5 Comments
This week has been full of projects! Projects that my husband has even been helping out on..and that's rare ;) From painting crazy accent walls from previous tenants back to normal, to clearing out baby's room to make room for her, painting furniture, whitewashing furniture, painting decorations, and more, we can't say we haven't been making our house a home -- that's for sure! Our living room is in the process of getting a makeover, as well as baby girl's room. I'll post pictures soon as we progress a little more :)

J ended his emergency med rotation and began IM last week. He wakes up super early, gives me and belly a kiss before heading out to the hospital around 5:30am, then makes his way over to the doctor's office, where he spends the rest of the day until around 5:30pm. Some days he then has to go back to the hospital in the evening, but it hasn't been too bad. And... he has been coming home for lunch, and I love that! It helps so much -- for both him and I. It's a chance for him to break up his day, relax, unwind, eat, and it's a chance for me to have some husband time, and talk about his crazy, hectic, exciting, and most of the time, disgusting stories of the day. Fun stuff :)


27 weeks
27 weeks pregnancy chalkboard; little baby garvin inspired chalkboard updates

  • How far along?: 27 weeks, 5 days .. this week, baby girl's got all 5 senses down, including opening and closing her eyes now :) Aw!
  • Baby is the size of a: Head of cauliflower
  • Total weight gain/loss: +15-16
  • The Bump: It's pretty funny how 'the bump' has been giving me some special treatment around town. From Publix trips where men empty my cart for me and tell me "Ma'am, don't bend down, I'll get that!" to Hobby Lobby trips where a 12 year old made me go ahead of her saying "We can't have the pregnant woman standing around waiting!" It's pretty weird, and funny at the same time. Guess I may as well enjoy it, because no matter what I say, people just act that way!
  • Symptoms: Stomach tightening. Braxton Hicks? They say they can definitely happen anytime after 20 weeks, but who knows. I'll be sure to ask the Dr.!
  • Food Cravings: Nothing too good for me, I know that much.
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Don't think so!
  • Sleep: Same as last week, except I'm starting to wake up even earlier and earlier.
  • What I miss: Not getting so exhausted after being up and about for a while, and being able to walk around stores without my feetsies hurting so bad!
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On...and actually just noticed that in this chalkboard pic, they're off! That's weird..I am an "always wear my rings" kinda girl - I don't take them off for showers, sleeping, or anything, although many of my friends do. But apparently I take them off to paint, which is what I was doing this day!
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Yes, actually, this came very easy for us contrary to what everyone told us about picking out names...but you'll just have to wait ;)
  • Gender: Baby Barr is a girl! :)
  • Movement: She has her periods of moving a lot to periods of down time. Apparently that can mean a growth spurt...? Again, who knows! But when she does kick hard, you can see my upper body jolt a little.
  • Maternity Clothes: Still squeeezing into my regular jeans - those are still my favorite. Also bought these "long and lean" tanks from Target on sale that I've been wearing in the chalkboard pics and those work out well bc they are long enough to cover the belly.
  • Labor Signs: N/A
  • Best Moment of the Week: Starting on the baby's room and ordering some (very minimal amount) of bedding for her on Etsy. Exciting!
  • What Iā€™m excited about/looking forward to: Finally seeing a doctor. It's been a while, and I won't be surprised if it doesn't go as smoothly as most appointments. There's lots that has changed since the last time! And excited to get her room together more. :)


And now for a few randoms:

Fabric love for baby's room:
kumari garden nursery; pink yellow turquoise nursery colors


Puppy love!
chocolate lab laying on bed


Belly love!
27 weeks pregnant belly baby bump


Baby love!
a baby will make love stronger