spontaneity took over

Nothin' like a little spontaneous trip to be reminded of our old days. I couldn't tell you how many times our spontaneity led us on new adventures. Quickly packing and hopping in the car to venture somewhere our little minds schemed up last minute was always something I looked forward to when we had the time.

When J received a text message Friday morning from a family friend asking if we were interested in staying in their Walhalla, SC cabin and going to the FSU vs Clemson game with them, he instantly responded with something like "wish we could..but I've gotta study" as one would expect to hear from J. Then he told me about it. Bad move?! I got excited thinking he could really go, he responded with "haha, I wish!" and then he noticed the aw-man-what-a-let-down tone in me and started thinking. "Well, I think we can probably make this work!" ..I felt bad, but I guess spontaneity took over both of us.

I always try to support him, his study habits, and this somewhat different lifestyle we've signed up for together. It's not easy to just get in the car and venture off together every weekend anymore - and I'm okay with that. There are a lot of sacrifices being made, but in the end it's about pulling our sacrifices together and making the most out of things. He decided we should go ....and promised it wasn't just due to my selfish reaction (and well, this was for a football game, and he is a guy, so I believed him!)

I quickly baked while waiting for him to come home, we packed last minute, and were on our way. Just like the old days - a spontaneous trip and some Seminole football - yesss!
fsu cookies

A short hour later, we got off the highway at Exit 1 in South Carolina and drove for another half hour...to what seemed like the middle of nowhere. It was pitch black out, we turned onto the tiniest little road, and kept driving..in the woods. 'Where are we?!' We pulled up to this house - except it was DARK - so it looked nothing like this! We caught up with the Kobans in their beautiful SC cabin, drank a little, and enjoyed the most normal-just-like-the-old-days evening we've had in a while. We both agreed; we needed that.
Walhalla, SC cabin

Saturday was full of hanging out, tailgating, cheering on our Noles, and enjoying the company...
clemson tiger tail
FSU vs. Clemson tailgating

We even decided to act like college students again...why not?! Shot-gunning beers...tailgating at its finest :)

We were definitely in the minority as we sat in the midst of the brightest sea of orange we've ever seen. We lost 35-30, but we were still proud of our Noles :) and it was definitely fun..
FSU vs Clemson

The sacrifice was worth it to J, the spontaneity was worth it to me, and the time together was worth it to both of us :)
FSU game

Thank you to the Koban's for the generous hospitality, and for making this spontaneous weekend a fun one for us :)