dear weather


Walking into our house after work the other day, I was welcomed like you wouldn't believe. The sun was just begging to shine in our home through open windows with cool breezy air - and we sure let it. In fact, we were begging back for more. Please stay this way weather! And by this way, I mean this 70-degree-bright-blue-sky-not-too-cold-not-too-hot forecast that screams "please, oh please, come enjoy me!!!"

Well, okay, if we must...
Those blue skies were a-callin' our names. Carly and I went walking at the park - our feet quickly hitting the pavement, while Jack's paws led quickly and anxiously, waiting to see what was around each bend. I think I could have cared less what was around each bend because I was just happy to be outside. In case you can't tell by now, I'll say it again - these past couple days have been just beautiful!

If dogs frown, then Grizz sure was. He sat patiently by the sliding glass door, waiting for his turn outside. Although, he did seem somewhat happy to observe the wind blowing through the screen and the creatures passing him by. He stayed put right there as I made stir fry using a bit of Trader Joe's deliciousness. We enjoyed some of our first fall beers of the season. *notice I said some of our first fall beers...the first were really last weekend. We got started a little early on the Oktoberfest brews :)

Today it was Grizz's turn to enjoy the great outdoors. We went out back equipped with a magazine, a phone, a camera, and each other as we listened to the sounds of children playing and airplanes traveling above. He watched every car pass us, hoping the next would be his dad - and he sure knew when it was. J drove by and Grizz went nuts...(I still find it funny that he knows our cars)..and pup's best friend came to play.

As for a great ending to a long week - dinner with friends at Rosa Mia (Ugo's family's restaurant.) It's always nice for the guys to get out AWAY from school and have a little normal time with each other and the wives. Somehow, though, the conversation always, and I mean always, reverts back to school. Oh, those future dorks doctors! ;)

It's too warm for sweaters and it's too cool to sweat - oh how I love thee. We are so excited about the change of weather. It just reminds us of what's to come - delicious seasonal beers, crock-pot meals (already made 2 this past week..what what!), holidays, family, and fun. yessss!